3 | tara

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3 | TARA

Kryzta walked along the junk piles on Lotho Minor

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Kryzta walked along the junk piles on Lotho Minor. She had been freshly banished from the Jedi Order for, what they considered, unspeakable crimes. "So much for a noble organization." Kryzta scoffed. She was disgusted with the order. They claimed to be such kind and protecting people, yet they wouldn't even protect their own Jedi Knight. She assumed, in part, that they acted so rashly against her because she was a woman. The Jedi Order, as much as no one liked to admit it, was made up of mostly men. Women were almost nowhere to be found unless they were quiet and performed their assigned duties promptly and effectively.

It was unjust.

But what was she to do? Fight for a spot back in? She had more dignity than that.

So, she left to be off on her own. And now... there she was... at a junk filled planet trying to find spare parts to make herself a new lightsaber. Since, you know, hers had been confiscated. As she was wandering around the piles of trash, she heard a faint crying. As if a baby were on the deserted planet. At first, Kryzta only snickered at herself. "Perhaps they truly kicked me out because I've gone mad." She whispered to herself, then continued walking.

Yet, the more she walked, the louder the crying got. Kryzta's curiosity piqued, and she began trekking toward the noise. And when she arrived, she couldn't see anything at the location. Just a pile of junk. She began to dig into the pile, and she stopped digging when her fingertips hit the soft belly of a baby. She lifted the child up into the air, pulling her out from under the trash, and inspected her. It looked like the child had been out there for days without food or shelter. She was sunburnt from the blazing star that warmed the planet nearby, and she was entirely too skinny to be alive. It looked like she was only as old as the few days she had been abandoned.

Kryzta was about to toss the child aside and mind her own business, until she felt a force connecting her with the baby. Something was tugging at her heart. And it wasn't an emotional force, no. Because if it was, Kryzta wouldn't have had the urge to toss the baby aside. It was THE force. The child had it in her. And it was strong. Abnormally strong for a baby. Especially one of that size. "You're special, aren't you?" Kryzta spoke to the baby, and she instantly stopped crying.

Kryzta cradled the child in her arms and bounced her, comfortingly. "We're going to do great things, baby. Perhaps I should give you a name." Kryzta hummed, suddenly feeling attached to the baby. As she realized they had two things to relate to: having the force within them and being abandoned.

"I think... Tara is a suitable name." Kryzta was satisfied with her first choice, then took the baby back to her ship.

From then on, Kryzta vowed to raise and care for that child. For years, the two grew together. Kryzta and Tara travelled the universe together and explored and learned new things every week. She taught her the ways of the Jedi, but never told her of the history or origin of those lessons. She only taught her how to do it, never why it did it. This left Tara oblivious to the Jedi Order and the truth behind The Force.

The two were perfectly fine traveling from planet to planet on Kryzta's rickety ship until nine years later, when they landed in Tatooine. Tara was still only a child, but she was about to be pulled into a scheme greater than her. A story that millions would remember until the end of their days. A story that led her to love Anakin Skywalker.

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