Say 'Will You Marry Me' Part 2

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Lorcan's PoV

Elide was always the first person Lorcan got to see in the morning and was always the last person he saw at the end of the day. She would check in on him countless times during the day, and was in his room during everyone of her breaks. Lorcan had let everyone of his friends know about what was happening, but none had come. Not even Pup, but Elide was there, Elide was always there.


Elide grabbed his arm, "Please, you have to stay. Half of your organs are failing, and you'll die if you leave!"

"And I'll die if I stay here!"

"Would you rather for three months or only one?"

"Doesn't matter to me," Lorcan grunted and started tearing the IVs out of his arm and swinging his legs over the bed. Elide moved to block his path as he stumbled to his feet.

"It matters to me!" She snapped, her face twisted with anger despite the tear that fell from her cheek, "you... Lorcan, if you leave, you could die any day and right now you're the only person I'm generally worried about, okay? Please, just stay for a while longer."

Lorcan was taken back by her words and found himself taking a seat back on the bed and sighing as he set his head in his hands and rubbed his temples. "Why do you even care?" Elide wiped her face and sat down beside him.

"I don't know," she admitted, their eyes locking, "I just don't want you to feel alone in this, I'm here with you. If that means anything."

"It does," he replied quickly, "I'm glad you're here, I really am. I just, I don't quite understand why, but that does not mean I want you to leave. Will you- nevermind it's stupid."

"Tell me," Elide grabbed his hand in hers and squeezed tightly, "I'm here for you."

"Would you tell Fenrys? Please? I- I just can't see him, not now, don't let him come in. But he needs to know, could you tell him for me?" He couldn't bare to tell his friend himself, he didn't want to see the look on his face or the tears that would fall from his eyes. He was strong, but Fenrys was like a little brother to him and he didn't want to see him hurt because of him.

"Of course," she have a simple nod and small smile, "I'll call him here now."

"Okay, just don't let him see me, I'm not ready."

Elide's PoV

Elide sat down across from Fenrys, she cast him a smile, but he didn't even seem to notice. His eyes were darting all over the office as if there was some clue about his friend that lay on one of the posters lining the walls.

"Where is he? Where's Lorcan?" He asked her and Elide's eyes softened, "please, where is he?"

"He has asked that you wait to see him until he is ready, I will let you know when he says so." She told him quietly, finding it difficult to come up with the right words to say.

"Then why did you call me here? Is something wrong?" The despair and sadness in his voice was almost overwhelming, but she pushed away the flurry of emotions and took Fenrys' hand.

"I'm so sorry. Through his blood results we have discovered that Lorcan Salvaterre has developed a terminal illness. Half of his vital organs are already beginning to fail, but there is no way he can survive this. We estimate that we will be able to keep him alive for around three months, but only if he stays here. Again I'm so sorry." She said it so quickly, that she needed to take a breath after she had finished. Elide studied Fenrys' face, it showed her nothing, the same blank stare Lorcan had given her.

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