Chapter 8

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Tom looked up as the great doors swung open to admit the person he knew to be Severus, despite the mask. Tom's eye's narrowed, his spy was late and he didn't appreciate being held up when he could be upstairs with his fiancé and his child.

"Severus, do explain to me why you have come so late. I do not like to be kept waiting." Tom drawled, his voice icy and biting. The potions master swept in to a low bow, gracefully rising and removing his mask.

"I offer my sincerest apologies, My Lord." Severus said, his voice as soft and silky as usual, "But Dumbledore extended his meeting because he has had some curious information."

"Go on,"

"Dumbledore has been told by an unknown source, that you have a child, My Lord." There was a touch of confusion in Snape's voice, but Tom ignored that and pinned him with a look of death.


"He has turned the Order's attentions to getting rid of the child before it has time to develop in to 'instant evil'." Snape explained and Tom went pale, Lucius eyes widened in horror.

"Oh Merlin," He breathed,

"It's true?" Bellatrix exclaimed, shock evident in her voice.

"How did he find out?" Tom demanded in a snarl, feeling sick to his stomach. How dare that bastard threaten his family, he would kill him before he touched Harry and Lily."

"I do not know, he was not very forthcoming. It was strange, My Lord." Severus answered, obviously stunned that it was true. Tom turned to Lucius with fire burning in his crimson eyes and Lucius paled,

"My Lord, I swear on my life and magic that I have not spoken of your child." Lucius said quickly, his magic flaring to comply with the bond and he lit his wand to show the truth in his words.

"You have a child, My Lord?" Nott asked confused,

"Yes, I do, Izar," Tom answered, running his hand through his hair,

"When did this miracle occur, My Lord?"

"My little Lily was born nearly 6 months ago." Tom answered softly, his expression fond before it hardened, "You all just became an advanced guard. The wards here are going on full lockdown and only when called with the death eaters be allowed entrance. I want at least 4 of you hear at all times as well as 7 inner circle."

"Yes, My Lord,"

"Ivy," He called, and the elf popped in,

"Yes Master?"

"Go to Harry and tell him I want to see him here immediately, Lily too."

"Right away,"

Tom paced across his dais cursing Dumbledore for all he was worth,

"Severus, you will need to find out where the old fool got this information. Did he mention anything else, like knowing the identity of the mother?"

"No, My Lord, Dumbledore didn't even omit the gender," Snape admitted, "I will do all I can to find out any information."

"Severus," Tom said and looked the potions master in the eye, "Do not think I have not been unaware of your questionable loyalties, you are extremely good but I am better. I have not questioned it as of yet because you are useful and talented, but if Dumbledore finds out even so much as a spec of information about my fiancé or child I will make it my personal goal to see you die in the most excruciating and terrifying way I can possible imagine. Do we have an understanding?" Snape looked back at him, deathly pale and frightened,

"Y-yes, My Lord." He answered, and he had no doubt of the man's words, he would not be sharing anything with Dumbledore; not even under duress. The great doors opened again and this time a small figure carrying a child entered the room, the elite members, except Lucius, gasped as the recognised the green eyes and lightning scar of Harry Potter. That was about the only recognisable features of the boy they used to know, 17 and powerful, the man's Black heritage shone through.

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