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Mr. Crow: okay get in your assigned seats today class is gonna begin. Miss.Park! May I have those graded papers please. Actually go ahead and pass them out while I'm getting started. I have your personal graded paper on my desk as well. It's fridge worthy of course. Very good job. If only the rest of your peers had the same work ethic as you they might bring the curve up a little.

*the class ignores the teacher completely*

Lizzie: you're such a kiss ass, P.

Penelope: oh please. I barely have to right my name and I get an A because the rest of you witches barely hold a C average.

*Penelope hands Lizzie her paper with a C in bright red then steps over to Josie*

Penelope: at least you have one genius in your family.

*Penelope winks at Josie while handing her her paper with an overpowering A+"

Josie: Thanks, Penelope.

*Penelope smirks while watching Josie blush knowing damn well that her best friend is fuming*


45 minutes into the class


Josie: so what did you do to Hope, Liz?

Lizzie: why? Did she say something? Is she still hurt?

Josie: yup. You said something messed up didn't you?

Lizzie: oh bite me.

Josie: I suggest you give her time.

Lizzie: no way. I'd rather address the issue and fix it. I hate when Hope runs away!

Josie: well what did you say and I'll be able to decide if it was really bad or not.

Lizzie: I don't wanna repeat word for word or anything, but it was about her dad...

Josie: LIZZIE! How could you?

Lizzie: you don't even know what I said.

Josie: I don't need to. You know how much her family means to her. You meant to hurt her.

Lizzie: you don't think I hate myself right now? I don't wanna hear it from you too.

Josie: you should've thought of that before you even decided to get with my best friend.

Lizzie: ughhh... fine I'll give her till lights out. I won't be in our room if she opens her room to me. I'll send Penelope to sleep in my bed so you won't be alone. I know how much you hate that big room to yourself.

Josie: I don't need a babysitter, Lizzie.

Lizzie: yeah while if the making up goes as planned I don't think Penelope will be able to sleep in their room while I'm in there.

Josie: could've lived without that information.

Lizzie: pffttt. What you think we just hold hands when I spend the night with her? Gosh Josie. Exactly why I know you shouldn't be worried about dating anyone right now.

Josie: why do you say that? Did Penelope say something?

Lizzie: what part of that made you think of Penelope?

Josie: —

Penelope: what about me?

*Penelope turned around*

Josie: nothing!!! I just like your new haircut that's all.

Penelope: yeah you're definitely the nicer twin.

*Penelope glared at Lizzie playfully and Lizzie rolled her eyes*

Josie: turn around and quit flirting with my sister.

Penelope: oh honey that was barely flirting. If I was really trying Josie would already be on my lap. Huh, Josie?

Josie: I- um I- yeah I mean no-

Lizzie: see now you've done it. You broke my sister.

Mr.Crow: ladies! Please.

All Girls: sorry, Mr. Crow!!!

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