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Landen: why are the all dating each other? There's no one good for us? There could've been 4 good couples but they decided to say "fuck that

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Landen: why are the all dating each other? There's no one good for us? There could've been 4 good couples but they decided to say "fuck that. Let's fuck each other"

Rafael: chill Landen.

Kaleb: yeah Landen. As if someone with supernatural abilities would settle for a lost boy like you.

Landen: you know what? You're a real piece of shit, Kaleb. I haven't seen you pull chicks? What's up with that? Aren't you a vampire? Please. They wouldn't even give you the time of day even if you had to resort to compulsion.


{Landen falls slowly to the ground after Kaleb forced him to sleep.

Rafael: seriously Kaleb? He's fucking harmless.

Kaleb: well his mouth is going to get him in harms way. Next time keep your pet on a tight leash if he gonna be rolling with us.

MG: hey guys! What are we talking about?

Kaleb: aye what's up bro?

MG: nothing much but is Landen okay?

Rafael: he's fine. We were just talking about how fucked up it is that these girls can just dis all of us and choose to be with each other?

MG: yeah it's sort of a bummer, but at least they're happy right? There's more females out there for us.

Rafael: quit playing innocent, MG. I know you have feelings for Lizzie. The entire school knows.

MG: I did. I'm capable of moving on and knowing that my feelings for her are fading away. I love Hope. She's one of my closest friends. They make each other smile like you wouldn't believe. Hope is definitely the better person for Lizzie. I can let my pride down and admit that.

Rafael: nah I know that Josie and I definitely had something for a while.

Kaleb: fuck that. I'd already be scared of Hope. Imagine going up against Penelope fucking Park!? That's asking to die a slow miserable death in a coffin. I'm cool off that.

Rafael: want to bet that I can get Josie back in a heartbeat? She just needs a real man.

MG: or maybe she just doesn't want a man at all? She's not broken? You're not gonna fix her to be straight. It's not how it works.

Rafael:!enough of this noise. Kaleb? Bet?

Kaleb: fuck it. Only because I want to see you fall on your face and eat shit my friend. I'm team Park all day!

Rafael: clean. Winner gets my truck. That's how fucking confident I am. Josie is basically mine already.

MG: I want nothing to do with this.

Rafael: if you snitch you're a dead man.

MG: I've never been so glad to be friends with men. Really. Making death threats? I feel like such a man now. It's honestly insane how Josie isn't jumping your bones right now? How can she not? You're so amazing.... yeah. Laters, Kaleb. And fuck you, Rafael.

Rafael: like you said, Kaleb. Keep your pets on a tight leash.


Rafael: Josie! Hey! Wait up.

Josie: shhhh. Hold on.

Rafael: what are you doing? And why are we whispering?

Josie: dang Raf just stand their quiet for five seconds.

Rafael: okay.

Josie: wait hide! Let's go in this closet.

Rafael: and now we are in the janitors closet? Nice.

Josie: just tell me if you hear my dads conversation with my mom.

Rafael: yeah I do. They're talking about a possible solution to the "big problem"? What's going on?

Josie: huh. I'm not sure what that could mean. I was hoping they were talking about something else.

Rafael: like?

Josie: like knowing about how Penelope and I are dating? What they thought. If they liked her.

Rafael: ahh that's kind of what I wanted to talk about.

Josie: hmm hold that thought. I think we can step out now and watch.

Rafael: Josie, there's actually something I wanted to ask. I've been thinking that I just need someone to talk to. Landon doesn't understand this world and Kaleb and MG will give me shit about being sensitive.

 Landon doesn't understand this world and Kaleb and MG will give me shit about being sensitive

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Josie: okay. That's fine. I'm not sure MG would react that way though. You'd be surprised by that brilliant mind of his.

Rafael: maybe? Is it alright if I talk to you though? Maybe over some coffee or tea? Whatever you'd like.

Josie: of course Rafael. You're my friend. I'm more than willing to help you out any time.

Rafael: so tomorrow?

Josie: yeah. Not a problem.

Rafael: okay I'll leave you to it then.

Josie: see ya later!

{Rafael whispers under his breath "fucking friend???"

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