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Hope: what are you looking at?

Josie: my girlfriend... just look at her.

Hope: you have it so bad

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Hope: you have it so bad.

Lizzie: i mean I relate. Sometimes I just stare at my girlfriend for minutes without her even noticing.

Hope: oh really?

Lizzie: all the time. Especially when you're in the library reading. It's so cute when you're completely taken by a book.

Hope: that is so cute, babe!

Josie: so it's cute when Lizzie does it?

Hope: well I mean Lizzie is cute when she picks up a pencil.

Lizzie: P! Get over here!

Penelope: sorry I was a little distracted. when did you guys get into class?

Hope: we just got here but I believe Josie has been here for about 5 minutes just staring at you.

Josie: Hope! Seriously?

Penelope: awww that's so cute, JoJo.

Josie: and embarrassing.

Lizzie: so why were you in early today? You looked pretty pissed off?

Josie: yeah. I woke up and you were gone. Not a text or note left behind on your pillow.

 Not a text or note left behind on your pillow

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Penelope: I know I'm sorry. I wanted to talk to your father actually.

Josie: please don't tell me you were talking about Raf.

Hope: he's a prick that none of us should waste our breath speaking about anymore.

Lizzie: couldn't have said it better myself. Josie is safe and he's probably locked up far underground. The vampires probably can't even hear him.

Penelope: I just had to make sure that that was true.

Josie: it is. Do you really think my dad would let him slide?

Lizzie: fuck no he wouldn't.

Mr.Saltzman: language, sweetie, but she's right fuck no I wouldn't. Just don't repeat that word here anymore.

Lizzie: got it.

Mr.Saltzman: I just wanted to check on you, Josie before the day truly begins.

Josie: I'm fine dad. Really. Trust me. I'm disgusted obviously but I feel safe now. I'm not even thinking about it a little bit. I ALSO don't want to be reminded about it anymore.

Mr.Saltzman: I'm glad to hear that. No more talk from me then. I'll let you girls go. Enjoy class and behave! Also Hope and Lizzie... I really don't want to hear anymore complaints of you two kissing while in class.

Lizzie: I can't help myself sometimes.

Mr.Saltzman: Lizzie...

Hope: we will try to keep our mouths apart while in class.

Josie: but the second the bell rings—

Lizzie: it's fair game! Right?

Mr.Saltzman: within reason. Oh and Hope, I'm going to be in the quad today at 4pm. I expect you to be there for a one on one sparring class.

Lizzie: normally I would say play nice dad but I couldn't help but notice that Hope has been kicking your butt lately.

Hope:hahah I'll be there.


Lizzie: so you and Josie are actually sleeping together now?

Penelope: w-wwwwhat?

Lizzie: I couldn't help but notice when Josie was talking about not leaving a not on your pillow, but you slept in our room last night.

Penelope: Did you actually believe I'd spend the night with my girlfriend but sleep in your bed instead?

Lizzie: that's not what I'm asking.

Penelope: I know it's not, but what you're asking is private and personal, Liz.

Lizzie: she's my sister. I just want to make sure you're moving at a steady pace.

Penelope: I would never force jo to do something she wouldn't want. I actually love her.

Lizzie: I know you do. You've only showed time and time again that you do. I'm just cautious of that aspect of your relationship with each other.

Penelope: I don't want to go there with you, but if we must. It's usually the other way around. Lizzie usually initiates how our night is going to end.

Lizzie: gross hahah that's all I needed to know.

Penelope: good I'm glad we are past the awkwardness by the way.

Lizzie: just as long as I get some Penelope time as well. You're my best friend.

Penelope: I'm so happy you said that. I feel like this is our first real time alone without our girls. I really need you sometimes.

Lizzie: maybe a date? Just the two of us? Trash tv and a lot of junk food?

Penelope: please! No makeup! Sweatpants! T-shirt's!

Penelope/Lizzie: AND CHINESE FOOD!!!

Lizzie: I've clearly missed you.

Penelope: I've missed you too, Elizabitch.

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