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★彡 FOUR 彡★

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★彡 FOUR 彡★

IT WAS 4AM and the boys had just gone home from a wild night, partying at the bar. It was enjoyable, to say the least, except for the fact that some girls recognized Queen and pushed Elijah out of the way to talk to them, it definitely took the four a lot of time trying to remove all the girls clinging at their arms while Elijah merely looked and drank whiskey quietly.

Brian and Roger said their goodbyes and John went home as well but Elijah didn't. He could see how drunk Freddie is and decided to take him home before some asshole tries to make fun of him in his drunken state. "You're drunk, Freddie. And not just normal drunk, you're shit-faced. I'll get you home."

"Aw, darling, you're taking care of me? I'm touched." Freddie slurred. Elijah swept his hand through his curly long hair and sighed, "Of course I will, Fred. We're friends after all."

"Just friends?" The serious tone in Freddie's voice startled Elijah and he turned his head to face the man, who seemed to look sober but he knew with the amount of alcohol Freddie drank, there could be no possible way he's just pretending to be shit-faced.

Elijah looked at him with genuine confusion and asked, "What are you talking about, Freddie?"

"Oh nothing! What was I talking about?" Freddie laughed intoxicatedly. "Oh you are shit-faced. Let's get you home and to your cats, okay?"

"Yes! Delilah, my love. I can't wait to see her." Freddie giggled, making Elijah smile. He then proceeded to help Freddie enter his car and started the engine.

"You and your cats, Fred. You and your cats."

The trip back to Freddie's home was silent, considering said man fell asleep as soon as he sat on the passenger seat of Elijah's shiny red Stutz Blackhawk. Hell, it was even more expensive than a Lamborghini and he was just glad he saved up money for five years just to be able to buy a car.

Elijah parked his car near the garden and said, "Freddie, we're here."

Despite the constant call of his name, he noticed that the man hasn't woken up from his deep slumber, he sighed deeply and muttered under his breath, "You really want me to carry you all the way to your house, huh?"

No answer. Elijah thought amusedly before getting out of the car and opening the side where Freddie laid asleep. He then picked up Freddie with his arms and huffed, "Come on, let's get you to a real bed instead of being cooped up in my car."

He walked quietly and opened the door with the spare key Freddie had given to him a week ago. As soon as he entered the house, he was greeted with a bunch of meows from Freddie's cats. They all looked at him, and it made him feel like they were staring at his soul. Which they were probably doing if you asked him.

"Hi, Romeo, Tiffany." At the call of his name, Romeo purred and stretched before heading towards him.

"I know you want to be petted but I have to get your owner to his bed before he complains why he's in the floor of his house." Elijah jokingly whispered and it was as if Romeo understood him because he turned his back and went towards Goliath and Dorothy.

"Darling, you can let go of me now. I'm awake." The abrupt voice of Freddie whispering in his ear alarmed Elijah that he almost dropped the person he's carrying, which is Freddie.

"Jesus Christ, you surprised me!" He yelled out, before gently letting go of Freddie who simply grinned at him. "As much as I loved your muscled arms carrying my body, I love to walk by my own, thank you."

"Aren't you drunk?" He asked, crossing his arms at the guy who looked clearheaded and sat down the couch, playing with his cats.

"That? I just needed some sleep, dear. Although I can feel the migraine coming in," Freddie said, Delilah in his lap as she purred contentedly.

Elijah awkwardly stood as Freddie ignored him and continued scratching Delilah's ears, "Well, I'll go now I guess?"

He was about to walk out when Freddie grasped his wrist and said, "Stay."

"Why? Fred, I have to go back home. I still need to sleep, I can feel the headache coming in too, you know."

"Stay here with me. I'm alone, you can sleep in the guest room if you want to. But stay, please." The pleading tone in Freddie's voice made Elijah hesitate before letting out a deep breath, "I really have no choice in this matter, do I?"

"If you want me to be frank, no, dear." Freddie stated, stubbornly dragging Elijah to sit beside him and stared at his eyes deeply, making eye contact.

Oh how much I'd die to be with you. Freddie thought as he stared at Elijah. Even as two and a half month has passed, he still remained fascinated with the man's eyes who seemed to change colors under the lighting.

Until now, he still couldn't decipher if his eyes were blue or green, but it didn't matter. What mattered was, even if they have just met two months ago and even if the public doesn't know that Freddie's into men, he could feel himself slowly falling in love to the guy he's heard sing so beautifully his heart melted just by hearing it.

But it won't ever happen. Freddie thought sadly, Because he deserves better than me, he deserves someone who would give him the whole world and who would make him happy forever. And that person will never be me.

Unbeknownst to Freddie, as he stared into the man's eyes and got lost in thought, Elijah was looking at him the same way as well. The look full of love and acceptance, I'll just ruin Queen. I'll ruin his reputation if people ever see him with somebody like me. I can't do that to him, I may be proud of what I am but that doesn't mean I should drag somebody else in my mess too. Especially not Freddie. Elijah mused.

"Well, let's go upstairs, darling! I have to show you the guest room, you'll love it." Freddie suddenly spoke up after minutes, Elijah stood up and went to follow him, as if nothing happened.

Oh, how oblivious they are, how blind they are to each others' feelings even if it's front of them. Two fools in love indeed.

author's note!

I don't know if it's too rushed so I'm really sorry, this is so shitty and I have another Ben + Rami books in my drafts it's making me lose my mind.

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