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He was worried, and it had put him on edge that even Brian and Roger were wary of talking to him.

It was kind of upsetting really, how everything made him feel moody but he knew it was because of the stuff he discerned that he felt like this. The problem wasn't massive but it was huge enough to raise warning signs on his head. Sometimes he loves to think that maybe it was just his imagination playing tricks with him, but he saw it with his own two eyes. Roger and Brian may have not, but it was understandable since that level of deceitfulness was hidden in plain sight but who was John Deacon if not observant? 

Being aware on something that's happening was frustrating.

He'd lay awake in bed at night and just wonder how he would be able to speak up and expose Paul Prenter for who he truly is. But he couldn't, because every time he tried to tell Freddie about what he saw, there would always be an intervention and it was like fate itself was interrupting him from revealing the truth. So, he placed all his anger on playing, however, the strings of his bass guitar felt wrong, he never expected to say this in his whole existence but it felt unsatisfying. There was something missing. He even noticed it from both Brian and Roger when they tried to record a song and failed because it just sounded wrong.

And Freddie?

To the public, Freddie was the same. Extravagant parties and songs that remained on the chart for months. He seemed to push on as usual, even in their gigs. He was lively, loud, and provocative. A usual Freddie trait in the audience. But that was it. He may be fine in the outside world, but that's where it ended.

Everything changed since Elijah left.

In the months between Elijah's departure to tour America, there was a significant lack of appearance from Freddie. However, the first month without Elijah went well, in fact they saw him almost everyday because motivation ran through his body and all he wanted was to write, record, write, record songs so that (in Freddie's words, not his) when Elijah comes back, Freddie would spend days making his boyfriend hear the demos they made and have him give his opinion, because even if he didn't realize it, he already became a part of their family, Queen.

That same month, they all listened to Elijah's demo of 'Just A Little Bit of Your Heart' and he wasn't even going to lie, he did tear up a bit listening to the lyrics. The proud smile on Freddie's face when he announced that his partner writes the best songs ever made John's heart warm with joy for them. The moment they finished listening to the song, Roger tweaked his drums quickly, Brian fiddled with his guitar, creating some riffs that will complement Elijah's, John mixed the melodies around his head and Freddie did his usual vocal warm ups. He remembered Freddie refer to a collaboration with Elijah after he finishes his concert tour. That made the band utmost happy and they spent the whole day hanging out.

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