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a kiss with bill denborough

Bill was a boy from my school. He had soft brown floppy hair that covered some of his hazel shaded eyes. He had a gentle voice; one that could easily calm down a baby. He always wore clothes that were casual and not considered cool. I had always liked that about him; the fact he didn't need to be cool. He was a little bit nerdy, just like the rest our friends; the losers club. Me, Beverly, Bill, Ben, Eddie, Mike, Stanley and Richie. The outcasts.
The thing that is bothering me though is the fact that I like Bill, I always have, ever since that day that he saved me from being touched by henry bowers and his measly gang of sex thirsty guys.
He saved me, but now he likes the new edition to the group. Beverly. I have no problem with her; she's a good friend of mine. We both get treated like shit by Greta but I can't help but to be jealous when her and bill are close. It's like he doesn't even care abo-

I was cut of from my thoughts when Richie came down from a tree and landed in front of me. I stumbled back, startled by his actions.

"Heyyy, y/n! How's it hangin?" Richie asked me, putting his arm slowly around my shoulders.

"Meh, I'm still thinking about you know who!" I replied back at him. Richie was like a brother to me, so I had told him about my feelings towards bill. To many, Richie could be a big mouth and blab about all their secrets but he'd never do that to me. Best friends would never do that to each other.

We turned around the corner and saw Beverly and Bill whispering to each other; fear filled my mind telling me lies. I looked at Richie, my eyes temporarily riming with glass like tears. They looked at us and both turned red, separating there hands which were once gently intertwined.

Now the tears were dripping down my face , and I knew I had to go. I ran down the street, away from the school and up to the quarry. I always felt at home there, since it was were I first hung out with the losers and they were like family to me. I sat down on a near by rock and let the warm tears stream down my face. I knew it, he never liked me. He was just being kind and I'd let my mind steer in other directions.

"Y/n?" I heard Bills voice yell, "are you over there?" I ignored his beautiful voice, I didn't want to see him right now.

"Please y/n let me explain" I felt a hand on my shoulder and I looked up, my striking blue eyes meeting his hazel ones.

"Beverly was comforting me, I asked her to help me find a way to tell you that I liked you. I thought you liked Richie so I began crying and she held my hand to comfort me"

My stone cold expression melted.

"I love you okay" he quietly stated, his face inches away from mine.

My breathing got heavier and beige I even knew it, he crashed his soft pink lips on to mine. It was complete bliss.

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