✨twenty three

612 17 2

quarry adventures
richie tozier

y/n's pov (point of view)

the suns lights flared into my eyes; the bright colours of orange and red blinding me.

I laid in my comfy bed, listening to music from my record player, just waiting to fall asleep.

I looked at the silent clock that was hung on my awfully painted bland white wall, but my gaze averted to the window above my desk when I heard a noise come from it.

I nervously shuffled out of my warm covers and over to the large window; my handing shaking as I drew back the yellow curtains.

"Are you shitting me?" I whispered to myself, it was my best friend richie tozier standing out there.

I opened the window, looking at the dark haired boy with flames in my normally soft, gently eyes.

"Y/nnn? Wanna go down the quarry?" He asked, enthusiastically.

"Richie, it's fucking 11pm!" I whispered loudly at him, making him slightly jump back.

"Ohhh, you know you want to, love" he smirked, knowing I loved the cute pet names he gave me.

Although me and Richie were only friends, we acted like a couple the majority of the time we were together. This seemed to annoy everyone around us.

"Fine!" I said, "i'll be down in 2!!"

Shutting the window behind me, I ran down the stairs and out of the front door as quietly as I humanly could.

"Right, I'm here. Let's get going then!" I yelled, jogging over to him.

—time skip—

The two of us arrived in the quarry in a hurry.

"The water looks so pretty" I exclaimed, looking down at the blue waters.

"Sure is!"

Richie seemed awfully quiet as I took off my clothes; revealing the baby pink swimsuit I was wearing under my dress.

"Hey y/n! Can you see that in the water?" Richie asked, shoving me closer to the edge to look down.

I looked down, squinting slightly as I couldn't see anything because of how dark it was.

"Have fun down there!!" Richie yelled, pushing me off the edge of the cliff.

Landing in the water was a shock; the water was cold causing a swarm of goosebumps to cover the entirety of my pale body.

Richie jumped also, joining me down in the waters.

I swam over to him and smirked, maybe this would be a great time to tell him how I felt about him.

Before I could Richie crashes his soft lips onto mine; leaving me silent yet so happy.

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