Shoss and Latliff

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  • Dedicated to Shannon Jordan

you were in the airport lounge waiting for your flight to be called. you and your best friend leanne were going to America to persue your dreams. you both thought you would go together then you could split rent and help each other out when needed. you would also get great tans may I add! which we both do love (saves on fake tan ;)) your friends that you had made on the inter by the R5 Family gave you the best send off ever in London as it was cheaper. they gave you an envelope to open when you were on the plane.

they called the plane number which was yours and you both looked at each other and said let's go! you were both really excited but worried at the same time as you didn't know what it was going to be like as you haven't made any friends over there yet.

you got to the plane and found your seats, you were both sat on the end of a three, leanne was in front of you. you both sat rows when 2 people came and sat next to leanne one boy one girl, leanne tried to act normal but Couldnt help in kicking Shannon to get her to look her way. Shannon gasped and her eyes widended. it was Brandon and savannah one if the supporting acts that went on tour with R5. we both said hi and they said hi back and smiled. next thing we know the two people sitting next to you was mark and ryland as they were here to help Brandon and savannah get some where in the UK.

we're not sure still who went red first and lost there voice. we let the plane take off and made sure we could take off our belts before talking to them. you came and sat next to leanne as there was a free space. we turned round to them and they took there head phones off and we said do you guys mind if we get a photo with you? of course not guys, how do you know us. we both said r5 in sync. ryland put his head over the seat and said I thought I saw you guys at the London show! your sure did you said. you go I have a quick question... are you two dating pointing at ryland and savannah. they looked at each other then smiled and kisses each other! omg it's true! gee is going to die leanne said to you.

you talked for most of the plane journey and they agreed to show you around LA once you got setteled in. you both got ryland, brandon and savannahs number so you could stay in contact. the plane was about to land so you had to go back to your seat. the plane landed and we got off the plane and brandon says so what about that picture then girls! we both got our phones out and got selfies with everyone then mark took loads of us all together! you and leanne had the biggest smiles on your faces even though you were partly jet lagged. they said that they would see you soon! they walked off in a diffrent direction so that the paparazzi didnt bombard them as they were getting very popular in the USA now.

you all hugged goodbye and they said see you soon and it sounded like they meant it. we got inside the building and just froze turned to each other and screamed omg did that just happen! we were over the moon and couldnt believe that that had just happend. we walked to get our bags with the biggest smiles on our faces! we got our luggage and walked out trying to find a taxi when a blacked out car went passsed and honked there horn and two hands came out the window and waved. we waved back as we knew they could see us and that was that hopefully we would see them again soon!

we got a taxi and found the place that we would be living for the next few years at least. we asked the driver of uber LA to drop us at the end of the drive so that we could walk down it and take in all of the scenorie. We walked down and were just so happy to be in a place that it was sunny and we could have a new start and find happiness in whatever we do! the lorry drivers were already there unpacking our thongs how we wanted them to. it was nearly all compleate when we walked in to our new home.

we sat down in our new house and just looked at each other and saidomg we still have our envelope from the girls to open, you went to get it and threw it at leanne and leanne threw it back at you and said you open it! she opened it carefully and saw 2 meet and greet tickets to an R5 concert! we got soo excited and shouted OMG WHOOP! omg i cant wait and i cant believe they did this for us, we both had tears in our eyes and soo happy but so unhappy because we were missing them so much. we both decided to go on a walk to burn some energy and see what we had around us and what we could get for food as we were starving. we walked out the house and leanne said that she regoscnised the street from somewhere but she couldnt remeber where but she knew she had seen it before. the walk was amazing there was natre all around and everything we needed just a 5 min walk away.

we walked back on to the stretch of road before our house and we see two cars going up to the house next to ours, we thought ahhh we can meet our new neighours! we walked up to beside our house and all we hear is someone shout LEANNE! SHANNON! we turned round and saw brandon and savannah getting out of one car with mark and ryland and walking over to us. We started talking and we explained that this was our new house where we were moving to from the UK and savannah said your so lucky to live right next door to my boyfriend! WAIT WHAT!

At that moment stormie got out the other car and shouted to mark, leanne grabbed leannes hand and said stormie! she shouted is it safe? he said sure we met these two on the plane on our way here. there our new next door neigbours, stormie ducked in the car and then came back out and the rest of the doors opened to the other car, where Rocky came out first and waved followed by Riker and Rydel then Ratliff jumped out the car and did some gun shots as it looked like they were on energy drinks until ross got out and started shooting him back. both of us were speech less as they started to walk over here. they came over and said so who are these guys. before brandon even opened his mouth shannon said your biggest fans ever! well just two of us there is a group of us of your biggest fans ever! ow wow riker seemed impressed. leanne carried on and said im leanne and this is shannon. Hey leanne and shannon, you probly know who we are are riker says. ross butts in and says so you girls just moved here right? yes! aw nicee. he carrys on messing around with ellington but before he does he checks out shannon looking up and down and smiling, giving her his apporval. Ross runs back and whispers in your ear are you single? you nod your head and he winks back at you. stormie and rydel come over and say girls you up for a bbq tonight we are all going to be there, be a good way to get to know you. you look at each other and look back and say we would love to thank you stormie. the boys and everyone else went inside but rydel stayed out and had a chat with us, she said she regocnised us from london and was soo glad to see us and have two more girls near to make the numbers a bit more even. she asked if we had anything to wear for tonight and we both were like we havent even unpacked our clothes this is all we had at the moment. she said shall we go shopping?

you all came back with bags of clothes which you had the best time ever doing, you walk oast the lynchs house and staright to your new house and inside you get in and dump the bags whilst going up stairs and looking to see what make up and hair stuff we could find from the boxes but coldnt find any. so she said we could go over to her house and use her things. we locked up and went over. we started to get ready and we heard a knock at the door rydel answered it and it was stormie with some wine thought we could havea few drinks whilst we get ready! as she is a stylist we thought why not the more the merrier savannah then joined to escape from the boys! another knock at the door went and it was ellington with his hands across his eyes saying im not looking honest, stormie laughed and said were fine ell we all have clothes on but the dresses we were going to wear were on the bed lying out so he could see. he carried on to say with his eyes wide open starring at the pink dress which was the one that leanne was going to wear. he asked if we wanted any drink from the shop and he said dont worry we will get a mixture and winking at leanne whilst walking out! well that was weird rydel said shutting the door behind him whilst leanne was going bright red.

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More coming soon <3

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