"Who is she?"

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Dylan's POV

I watched her walk the automatic door into the street. She was really cute. I've never seen her before.

Cashier: 15 dollars and 60 cents.

I handed her the money and grabbed my bag. I spotted an Elf DVDs. She must've forgotten it. I ripped a piece of my receipt and grabbed a pen from the checkout desk. I scribbled my number and slid it into the DVD case.
My mom and sister were waiting for me in the car. Instead of making my way to the Toyota, I ran after the girl.

Dylan: One second, mum.
Mum: Where are you going?

I ran past her and followed the girl out of the parking lot.

Dylan: Hey! Hey!
I caught up to her, out of breath.
Dylan: you forgot your DVD.
The girl: Oh, thank you so much.
Dylan: I didn't catch your name
The girl: Y/n. And you?
Dylan: Dylan. Nice to meet you, Y/n.
*Honk Honk*
Dylan: I got to go. Bye, Y/n.
I ran back to the car and got in the back seat, dropping the bag next to me. I spent the ride home thinking about Y/n. Would I ever see her again? Oh, I hope so. Girls usually freak out when they see me. But she was so calm. To be honest, I was glad that she didn't recognize me from ASOUE. I hope she finds my number. I would normally never give a stranger my number but she was different.

Mum: What are you thinking about, sweetie?
Kayla (big sis): Probably that girl from the parking lot.
Dylan: No, I wasn't. I'm just excited to decorate the house for Christmas.
Kayla: Sure.

Kayla was right, I was thinking about Y/n.

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