The break up

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(You can listen to the song at the end of the chapter)

Dylan's P.O.V.

I woke up the next morning on Elsa's couch. I must've fallen asleep. A feeling of betrayal and misery flooded my body. I went on my phone to text Y/n. Our chat history had been deleted. Weird. It must be a glitch. Or...maybe...she deleted them.

*In text*

Can we talk?
Meet me in the park in 10 min


*Out of text*

I got dressed and left a note for Elsa: went for a walk, i'll be back soon.

I found Y/n near the pond. We awkwardly waved at each other. She had black bags underneath her eyes. She was mess and so was I. We couldn't bare to look at each other in the eye.

Y/n: hey...

Dylan: hey....

Y/n: what do you want to talk about?

I took a deep breath, trying to fight the tears. Our voices were quiet and weak.

Dylan: I think we should stop seeing each other

Y/n: yeah, me too. It's for the best

Dylan: Goodbye, Y/n

Y/n: Goodbye, Dylan

We walked away from each other. Tears were dripping on my cheeks. I bit my lip.
I loved her but I had to let her go. I had to move on. I spent the rest of the day hanging out with Elsa. I was unable to smile. But I liked spending time with Elsa. We kissed a few times throughout the movie. Kissing Elsa didn't feel right but what else could I do?

(Listen to song now if you want to)

Your P.O.V.

I ran home. It felt like a dagger was stuck in my chest. I returned to my empty house and cried some more. I was in the middle of another mental breakdown when the doorbell rang. I wiped my tears and straightened my hair. I took a deep breath and opened the door. Anton. He was holding a box of chocolates and tissues.

Y/n: Anton?

Anton: Hi, Y/n.
You didn't answer my messages.
I got worried and texted Lucy.
She told me that you were going through some stuff
I thought I'd cheer you up

I faintly smiled and jumped into his arms, hugging him tightly. At first he seemed surprised but eventually hugged back.

I invited him inside. We ate the chocolates while watching Netflix. I liked his company. It was really sweet of him to come check up on me. Being with Anton wasn't the same as being with Dylan. But I had to move on from that cheater.

 °Dylan Kingwell x reader°Where stories live. Discover now