1• Just boring

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The sky started to turn from blue to a nice shade of pink real quick, what a shame Sunday was almost over.

"Chris how much longer till this is over?"Asked the dirty blonde almost brown haired girl with blue eyes almost grey, hair tied up in a cute little bun with a red scrunchy that matched the red collar of her striped shirt.

"I don't know prolly a half an hour, damn girl are you going home already?" Asked the other girl on the opposite side of the couch, she had dyed almost hazel colored curls that went right above her shoulders, and light brown eyes that matched her pretty brown skin.

"Well I don't want to, but my parents are gonna beat my ass if I'm not home by dinner. Also we're watching Edward scissor hands I've seen this shit like a hundred times not like imma' miss anything."

"Nicky your almost eighteen what the hell is your parents so damn worried about?" Chris said exasperated.

"I don't know, just got a stick up their ass about everything."

"You got that right," She said with a chuckle, then paused for a second like she was thinking "hey you know there's a new kid coming in tomorrow."

"Yeah I heard, it's some kid named like 'Leonardo' or some weird shit like that." Nicky said eyes staying focused on Johnny Depp's sharp jawline.

"Ooh maybe he's like a hot foreigner." She said almost a fake dreamy look in her eyes.

"Oh shut up stupid," Nicky said giggling. "maybe instead of that he's like the super hot Leonardo Da Vinci."

"Your right that man was crazy sexy." Chris said starting to really crack up but trying to remain serious.

Then they both cracked and stared laughing like crazy.

"Ugh I hate you Chris," She said wiping her eyes from almost crying tears of joy "but I really gotta get home it's almost six."

"Aw your right, well I'll see your ass tomorrow." Chis said with a disappointed look on her face, the two friends were inseparable they had been since around second grade.

"Okay bye love you slut." Nicky said a teasing tone in her voice, all she got back from Chris was the middle finger as Nicky slung her book bag around her shoulders.


Dinner with the family was silent as per usual, but especially since Josh wasn't there, he had decided to stay over his friend Thomas's house. Of course he could stay over other peoples houses because he was nineteen and that was considered an 'adult'. Even though the idiot still lived with his parents.

"What'd you do over at Crystals house sweetie, I haven't talked to her and her mother in a while." Nickys mom tried to start up conversation as she broke the silence. It bothered Nicky that her mom still said 'Crystal' even though no one ever really called her that. It was always 'Chris'.

"Oh it was fun, we just hung out and watched Edward scissor hands." She said taking mouthful of mashed potatoes.

"I remember when that movie scared you to death," she said chuckling "isn't that right Robert." She said nudging her husband on the shoulder.

"Oh yep" that was all he said they both kind of rolled their eyes at him, Robert, or Nicky's dad, or Mister Cross never really cared or was involved in anything with the family, all he really offered was to help pay the bills and annoy his wife.

That's just how the family operated just the same just a boring family like always.


This was pretty boring but don't come for me cause it's the first chapter. I also high key just got bored and made up this story as I went along so don't judge.

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