2• DiCaprio not Da Vinci

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Monday mornings were possibly one of the worst thing in the world to a high school student.

The classic annoying sound of a digital alarm clock filled up the room with loud ringing that could interrupt the calmest of situations.

"What the fuck, shut up asshole!" Nicky actually yelled at it like it was a person, then smacked it a couple times until it turned off.

Definitely wasn't a morning person.

Getting up she slipped on mom jeans, a black tank top, a light orange jacket, and a pair of white trainers. Dragged her tired limbs over to her mirror and quickly swiped on a bit of mascara to her already long eyelashes.

Brushed her teeth and hair, and didn't eat breakfast but who did?

Then Nicky was off as she hoped in the black Honda Accord named Velma.


School was pointless and that's all she could think like when are you gonna use algebraic equations?

The whole time she had been passing notes to Angelina one of her close friends. Of course she wasn't paying attention in class but she'd hear about that later from her parents once the report cards came in.

The next note read: When is that new kid coming

Nicky turned in Angelina's direction and shrugged. She had a good point first period was almost over and she still hadn't seen Leonardo Da Vinci.

Then right on cue the door opened principal Baxter walked in and shortly after so did a dirty blonde haired kid with striking blue eyes, a blue jumper,
and kinda baggy jeans.

Immediately all eyes were on him most could tell this new kid was gonna make school a lot more interesting. Nicky usually wasn't super involved with guys but she couldn't deny he was real hot like damn.

"Hello class, sorry to interrupt but this is our new student." Mister Baxter said with a big smile as he said most things.

"Hi, my name is Leonardo but you can call me Leo." He said with what looked like almost a slight smirk but maybe she was just seeing things.

"Well hello Mr.Dicaprio you can take a seat anywhere you'd like." Misses Smith said kindly. Even though that bitch always had temper.

Okay so it's not 'Da Vinci' it's 'DiCaprio'

Leo swaggered down the rows of seats with his almost bad boy like persona. He scanned the room for seats and of course decided to take the seat directly behind Nicky.

At first it was fine Nicky and Angelina kept passing notes to each other this time about how hot the new kid was.

Then there's was a tap on her shoulder.

"Could you stop passing notes to each other it's really distracting." Leo said with a forced smile his voice sounding slightly agitated.

I could be a big bitch or I could be nice,
Eh that's no fun

"Aw sorry princes does it interrupt your learning experience?" Nicky said quietly trying to fake a sorry look.

"Actually yeah it does." He said smile not faltering.

Christine passed the next note just as Nicky turned back around in her chair. She reached out to catch the note low near her desk so it wasn't noticed, but as she opened her hand not a single piece of paper hit it.

Then she looked back at Leo about to ask him 'did you see my note go anywhere princess' but the words got caught up in her throat as she opened her mouth because he had the note.

"Hey asshat give that back."

"Oh what this," He said waving the piece of paper "yeah you can have it in a sec right after I read it." He said with a shit eating grin.

"Excuse me miss Cross and mister DiCaprio would you mind sharing with the class what interesting conversation you're having?"

"Oh yes of course, see what happened was this girl in front of me and someone else from almost across the room were passing notes. Well I asked this sweet girl in front of me to kindly refrain from passing notes because it's distracting but she didn't stop, very rude if I do say so myself. Anyways would you all like to hear this cute little note, would you Miss Smith?" He said like an annoying little smart ass that was just about to embarrass her and Christine in front of the whole class.

"Sure Leo." She said annoyed with her arms crossed.

Nicky's heart sank to the soles of her feet, she didn't think misses Smith was mean enough to actually say yes to that. And she had a good idea what that note said, it wasn't good.

"Hmmm ok, 'I cant believe you thought Leo was going to be some ugly butt exchange student cause he's actually so frickin hot like oh my gosh', wow interesting note. I also replaced some of the words with more PG rated substitutes."

He said so smugly she had to refrain from turning around and smacking him upside the head, but at the moment her face was so red she didn't even lift her head out from under her arms. She knew it must be the same for Angelina.

All of the kids snickering around the room didn't help either.

Misses Smith's heels came clacking down the row all the way down to Nicky and Leo.

Damn I'm really in some deep shit

"That was a interesting note Leo thank you for sharing, can I please have that note as well." Misses Smith said and anyone could hear the pleased smirk on her face just from her tone of voice.

"Well of course ma'am."

Then her heels clicked away up the rows of seats. All the students still snickering but it started to die down.

"Sorry for embarrassing you buttercup." Leo whispered lowly in Nicky's ear. It sent a shiver down her spine.

What the fuck


That's all kitty girls. This was also completely made up as I went along oof. Sorry for this absolute trash.

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