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Sweeping up the last of the dust into the dust pan before Lucy poured it into the rubbish bin. Grabbing and pulling at the extremely full black bag that she was struggling with.

With a sigh at every member of staff that walked by not offering to help. Wiping her brow one last time before giving it one last tug.

"Let me help you" a deep voice called to her surprise and an actual offer of help. Pushing a loose strand of hair she released her grip & stood back as she tucked a loose piece of hair behind her ear.

"Here we go" he clenched his jaw before holding the bag in one hand

"Thankyou" Lucy replied

"I'll take it out when I leave tonight.. it's dark around the bin area" he smiled before grabbing his rucksack and proceed up the stairs. Lucy watched before she carried on with mopping the staff room floor. Squeezing the mop out she placed the bucket away in the cupboard, washed her hands, checked she looked half decent still before pulling her coat and bag on.

Lucy headed for the door, she glanced up to where the dimmed lights fell from the windows to the office up the black metal stairs. With a couple raised voices the black bin bag caught her eye.. bending down to take it she noticed the pin board that had random letters on it. White envelopes, blue, cream the odd silver or gold. After all it has just been Christmas.. everyone is using up left over envelopes.. each writing was different.. script, large, small, capitals. She read the laminated note that sat smack bang in the middle of them in bold black writing.

"Take a note, read it, understand it, listen to it, take what you feel you need from it and then reply, reply honestly. Did you know the percentage of people who find joy in a single letter? No... well make a difference, make a change to someone else.. take a note, then replace it with an reply but remember to make it obvious who it is for.. make a code so no one takes the wrong letter...But remember the rules of no names, ages or locations can be left, nothing that can pin point you.. "

Letters between two lost people Where stories live. Discover now