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Hi there,
Hiyde hi
Morning... nope it's afternoon

Charlie spoke as he taped at the keys with his large fingers. Deciding how to start the letter he begun to type. It was dark, late about 9:30pm everyone had left the Gym it was just him.. the lights from the office lit up some of the ground floor. Taking a sip of tea he started

Wasn't sure how I should start this letter off or even if I should be writing it.. I will apologise now for my spelling I wasn't the brightest at school!
It's always tricky knowing what to write isn't it? Am I going to offend someone or am I going to look a complete idiot? So many questions right? These letters as I understand are to help others as well as yourself isn't it but it's knowing You can say how your feeling to someone you don't know!
All I ask of you is to remember that everyone including me struggle day to day or everyday with something.. every person is fighting a battle of their own. But I chose to use that negative feeling and work out, run or do some sort of exercise! If none of that is for you or who ever then yoga? Peaceful and content session? Yoga isn't for me I'd be a large gangerly giraffe that can't find its feet and walk in a straight line! I am hoping right now you Found that half as funny as I do writing it... SAD I know I'm laughing at myself....

With out saying too much so you guess who I am.. I am a male... (tall, dark and handsome) well to someone I would hope one day! A honest, hard working man, anyone can talk to me and it doesn't matter what about either.. I believe in trusting your gut feeling!.. I judge someone within a few seconds bad thing or good thing depends on the person but I would like to think I'm a good judge of character!

Everyone are dealing with things that you might not know of so think before you act, before you speak just think first! I know some might judge me recently but everyone have things going on right?

Anyway I hope I haven't bored you too much while reading my letter! (Aware I haven't actually told you anything)

All the best
Mr chuckle

Mr chuckle what on Earth are you doing...
Mr fit..
Mr C..
Gym goer..
Boss man..
All too obvious... Mr Chuckle it is then..." chatted to himself.

Clocking the time it was gone 10 and he had an early start! Holding the letter he placed it into a envelope before taking the red drawing pin and pressing into the cork finish board.

Pulling the door shut after setting the building alarm, Striding across the path to his Range Rover. beeping the alarm as the lights flickered. Climbing and putting his duffel bag on the passenger seat. That dreaded ring begun and Charlie squeezed the steering wheel to point where his knuckles turned white. he took a deep breath before pressing answer and starting the engine.

Hi Jayne

Charlie where are you? - her tone was angry

I'm leaving the gym

Why haven't you been here today? You haven't signed in

Excuse me I was there last night till gone mid night. -he bit back

Well you couldn't come here today no?

Jayne I stayed all night with Dan - telling as he was reversing out the space it was so dark. With no one around it felt lonely

Well I've been here today and I want to go home and eat - she acting like a child

Okay well go then. Me not being there won't stop you going home Jayne - Charlie got out to close the metal gate leaving Jayne yelling to an empty car. It was silent when Charlie got back inside but it showed Jayne was still connected.

Jayne - he asked

I'm going Charlie so get your arse here now.. my child can not be alone

OUR child.. he spoke loud

My child Charlie. Your step child

Right okay.. bye Jayne - pressing the stop call he cut it dead. Slamming his fist against the radio.

Unable to speak, get angry or do anything Charlie found himself getting out the Range Rover and walking around.. with clenched fists the air was cold. Wearing only shorts and a black thin t shirt it wasn't enough.. the breath looked white when he breathed.
Pacing back and fourth his eyes were narrowed, clenched fists, dry mouth, heart pounding. Every inch of him wanted to smash something up..walking back to the range his lights flicked around him..

"Hi... are you okay?" A soft and kind voice spoke out of no where

"Fuck" Charlie whales like a baby unknown where she had come from. It was the young girl earlier at gym

"Sorry! Is everything okay?" She asked again, pulling her bike closer which has a flat tyre to the front

"Yes yes... what's happened? And why are you out at this time?" He unclenched his fists and was generally concerned for her safety

"Oh I work down at the local bar... are you sure your okay you were muttering to no one?" she pointed behind them with a weak smile

"Yeah I just needed to vent. Sorry.. you have a flat tyre.. it's late you shouldn't be out at this time"

"Oh I know one bloke got bit drunk and well my tyre came off worse" she tried to make light of it yet deep down she wasn't sure how she was going to afford it to be fixed

"Well let me give you a lift home you can't go down there walking it" pointing to the darkness

"I'll be fine but thank you.. it's literally down there" nodding at the extremely dark unlit road

"No I'm sorry if anything would happen.. let me put it in the back." Walking towards her

"Honest I'm fine but thank you" she started to shiver

"Your cold. Come on let me help yeah.." Charlie places his hands on the handle bars before placing the bike in the boot.. hopping from foot to foot Charlie quickly said

"Get in your cold" nervously she hopped in soon followed by Charlie

"Bit warmer huh?" He smiled before adjusting the temperature, all she could do was nod & smile

"Right so where?"

"Jackman road?"

"Jackman road?" He quizzed

"Yeah I know it's not great" she jumped to the defense

"Jackman road as in first right, left then the fourth right?"

"Yeah that's it" nervously laughing

"Oh okay I... my uncle used to live there... right let's go" he stuttered and stumbled before leaving.
They didn't speak that whole journey, pulling up outside the house, she appeared to be ashamed.. a couple of lights were on that could just been seen through the curtains.

"Thanks again" taking the bike from him

"Your welcome... are you going to be okay in getting it fixed?"

"Sure.. thanks" she rolled it with her, but Charlie got the hint and drove off

Letters between two lost people Where stories live. Discover now