Chapter one

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The sirens and noises of the busy hospital filled the corridor where the Parks family sat down in the waiting area ,waiting impatiently for the doctor to come out to give them news about Lily Parks.  Lily Parker , a devoted wife of twenty-five years and an exceptional mother to her three beautiful daughters. Andrew Parks sat down hugging his eldest daughter as she blew her nose on a pink tissue  from one of her mother's collection from
" Lilly's Picture Perfect", party planning business.
The party business had been in their family for quite a while. It started off in a small office in the basement of their old house , gradually ,the business had expanded and they were now renting a bigger space in one of the busiest mall in central London. Ten years ago the Parks had to make a big decision, that is to leave their hometown and move to the Swinging City. Lilly Parker had wanted to establish her business in a bigger city to get more clients and keep this business running until two of her daughters were ready to give a hand and eventually when she was not in a position to take care of the business anymore, she would have passed it on to her eldest daughter MaryBeth.
" Where is she?", Samantha asked glancing at her watch.
Samantha was the second daughter of the Parks, she and her eldest sister MaryBeth, they both worked with their mother in the family business.
" She told me that she was in a cab, she's probably stuck somewhere in traffic", her father replied as he looked down towards the corridor only to see his youngest daughter rushing down the corridor.
" Speaking of her ...", Andrew said and his daughters followed his gaze towards the corridor to see their little sister  rushing  towards them . As she approached then they could see that her eyes were already filled with  tears. Knowing Emily , she must have cried all the way to the hospital and now she was trying so hard to put on a brave face.
" I'm sorry, I was stuck in a traffic jam ,  .. how's mother? Was it serious?!", Emily asked out of breath as she sat down. Her legs were trembling as well as her hands. She didn't take the news too well , she nearly collapsed at work when her father had called her to inform her that her mother had  suddenly taken ill. She had rushed to her superior and had asked for her to leave the clinic early.
" We don't know anything yet", MaryBeth softly replied as she blew her nose . Everyone were sitting down trying to hold back tears. Somehow they were being strong for one another , if one of them started to cry , they would all be crying a river!

A man in a white coat walked towards them and he smiled as he approached them.
" Guess it's a good sign!", Emily whispered as a glimpse of hope lit up inside all of them.
They all stood up anxiously waiting for the Doctor to reach them.
" Good news, she is out of any danger. She's breathing normally and all of her vitals are looking good now , but ...", the  Doctor paused and looked at his notes and then looked back at them.
There has to be a but!!, Emily thought as she looked at the Doctor.
" What's wrong with my wife Doctor?!", Andrew Parks asked worriedly.
" Her blood pressure shot up and it was extremely high when she arrived.. glad that you responded quickly otherwise she could have suffered a heart attack", the Doctor said looking towards MaryBeth.
For a moment they all looked at each other as fear crossed their face.
" Now... Mrs. Parks needs ample rest and no stress-related issues. It's not the first time that she had come in with high blood pressure, so she needs to stay away from work.. and for a long time. I hope she will take my advice this time", The Doctor said with a serious tone matching his facial expression.
Mr. Parks nodded yes, he could barely say anything as he was digesting what the Doctor had told them. Doctor O'Brian has been taking care of his family for a long time and he trusted him completely.
" I sure hope she listens this time Doctor. We all have to talk to her as a family", Andrew said looking at his daughters.
" Can we see her now Doctor?", MaryBeth asked anxiously.
" She is still sleeping, you can all wait in her room, but please do not disturb her. I'll prepare her documents and I will meet you in her room", Doctor O'Brian said as Andrew shook his hand.
" Thank you, Doctor. I don't know what we will do without you", he expressed his gratitude towards the man who had been by his family's side whenever he was needed.

" We have to decide what to do?", MaryBeth said,  a few days later as the three sisters sat down around the family dinner table in their parent's house.
" Well, you just take over mum's position and continued taking care of business like usual", Emily said as she put a spoonful of vanilla ice cream in her mouth.
Her sisters turned and looked at her and she put the spoon down.
" Did I say something wrong?",
" Well, you sounded as if you didn't care about the business at all!", MaryBeth gave Emily the, I'm annoyed at you, look.
"Of course I care about the business it's mum's other child .. but I don't know anything about party planning, decorations and whatever else the business is about. I am a vet remember. I look after animals not balloons, ribbons, etc.. ", She shrugged her shoulders looking at her sisters who were looking at her with wide eyes.
" Well Emily Parks be prepared, you have to learn what the business is about, as I am the eldest I will like for you to be part of the family business and you will be Sam's new assistant until after I have given birth.. and it's an order ", MaryBeth said with a serious tone as she slammed some documents on the table.
" What?! Assistant.. hell No! I'm not quitting my job to help with yours.. mum had entrusted the both of you with her business so please leave me out of the party planning! Why can't you do it MaryBeth?!", Emily stood up from the table looking at her older sister.
" Emily I'm seven months pregnant! How long do You think I will be able to take care of the business?! I will have a family to take care of as well. Do you want to fail mum and destroy her dreams after she made yours become a reality ?! Remember it was that business which helped you to become a vet at least for a few months give us a helping hand!", MaryBeth glared at her.
She couldn't believe that Emily would act like that as if she had never benefited from the income from the business.
" Well, that's what you get when you get married and have a family ..which takes up your role as the eldest of the family!", Emily mumbled under her breath but it was loud enough for MaryBeth to hear.
" Emily!", Samantha scolded her.
" Well, Sam .. look who is speaking .. the one who is sacred to love and to be loved!", MaryBeth said looking at Emily.

Emily didn't reply instead she stormed out of the dining room and walked outside and sat down on the porch.

" You shouldn't have said those words to her M", Samantha calmly said to MaryBeth.
" Well, she looked for it! I will see both of you tomorrow in the office at 9!", her eldest sister said getting up from the table.

" Why were you and your sister arguing?", her mother said from behind her and Emily turned around to look at her.
" Mother what are you doing out of bed?!", Emily scolded her as she stood up and hurried towards her mother.
" Honey, The Doctor said to rest not to stay in bed forever!", her mother said laughing softly as Emily helped her to sit on the porch swing.
" Sit next to me", her mother said and Emily sat down next to her mother.
They hugged each other tightly as her mother brushed her hair softly like when she was still small.
The small gesture from her mother made her have a change of heart. She loved her mother too much to let her dreams fade away.
She was happy to have her mother with her and she hoped she will be by their sides for a long time.
Guess I have to become a party planner, she said to herself and as if her mother could read her mind, a small smile curved on her lips.

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