Chapter eighteen

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" One , two ,three here it comes !", the bride shouted and Emily quickly turned to walk away when something hit her on her back and she turned to see the beautiful white bridal  bouquet by her feet.
Everyone clapped and cheered loudly, a young lady picked up the bouquet handing it to her .

" It's yours, it find you all the way at the back here!", she said and Emily couldn't refuse even if she desperately wanted to but everyone were staring  at her.

She turned to see Lorenzo laughing and she knew what he was probably thinking, of all people , Emily had to catch the bouquet!
Emily walked towards him and he quickly erased the smirk off his face.

" I wonder who the lucky guy will be?", he asked as she placed the bouquet on the table .

Emily shot him a " don't -you -start" look and he laughed looking away.The bride walked by and waved at them as the newlyweds said their goodbyes to their guests .He grabbed the bottle of champagne and two glasses. " Let's get some fresh air", he whispered next to her and she agreed . As they walked away he turned and told her not to forget her bridal bouquet which she was trying to get rid off on purpose . Emily walked back and grabbed the bouquet, he looked at her with a look of amusement on his face.

Spring had been often described as a time of a new awakening, where many trees are blossoming and early flowers are pushing through the earth. One of the wonders of Spring is to bring back what had been taken by winter. Could the warmth of Spring also melt a cold heart?

The lovely spring breeze played gracefully on her skin and Emily wrapped her arms around herself. Lorenzo noticed she was feeling cold and he removed his jacket and put it over her shoulder.

" Sam left with my coat , it was in the car", Emily said as they took a seat on a bench.

He poured a glass of Champagne and offered her, she thanked him as she took a sip of the pink bubbly which somehow warmed her up a bit. Just want she needed on a chilly night as such.
They sat there in silence , enjoying the beautiful Spring night.
What do I say? Should I say something.. no silence is better, Emily thought as she slowly glanced at him.

" You want to dance?", he asked finally breaking the cold silence . He stood up and offered his hand.

She looked at him and smiled , she looked around them and her eyes laid on two lovebirds making out on a bench a little further away from them.
She bend her head and smiled her cheeks flushing, she thought of a quote that Samantha loved to say before the beginning of Spring " In Spring time Love is carried on the breeze. Watch out for flying passion or kisses whizzing by your head", she could hear her sister's dramatic voice reciting her quote to her urging her to find her "Prince Charming".

" Shall we?", she heard Lorenzo asked and she looked at him.

What's going on with me?!, why m I thinking about love quotes from Sam!, Emily thought and she looked at the glass in her hand as if she was blaming the Champagne.

Or it's the presence of that man standing there like a God asking you to dance with him to a silent symphony!, Emily wondered and she looked at Lorenzo smiling at her.

She took his hand and she saw his smile widened as if he was relieved that she accepted to dance with him. He slowly put his arm around her waist looking at her for her approval , she placed a hand on his shoulder and then they moved slowly as if they were dancing to a ballad. Their free hand finally met, as their feet moved in perfect sync as if they where thinking about the same song. Emily let out a soft giggle , she couldn't believe that she was dancing under the stars to a song she couldn't even hear. She heard him chuckle and then they looked at each and started to laugh. They heard clapping and they realized it was the couple not far from them. Lorenzo bowed and she did the same . They looked at each other and their smiles soften , she saw this look on his face which sent a shiver down her spine and it made her uncomfortable ,she wanted to leave.
She let go of his hand and walked towards the bench, she grabbed her glass and drank the bubbly.

What's going on Emily Parks!?Do not lose control .. it's better you ask him to take you home! , she said to herself.

" Are you ok?", he asked from behind her and she almost dropped the glass as his voice startled her.

" Yes", she answered without looking at him.
Lorenzo sat down on the bench and grabbed his glass.

" Lorenzo , I think it's time for us to go", she said trying to avoid looking at him as she looked at her watch.

" No worries Cinderella. Your Prince Charming will take you back home on time", he answered and he gently touched her hand .

Emily looked at him and then felt something wet on her nose , taking her eyes away from his she looked up towards the sky. She had been so lost in the moment that she hadn't realized that black clouds had taken over the beautiful starry sky. As the rain fell on them they looked at each other and burst out laughing. The rain began to fall heavily, Lorenzo grabbed her hand as they ran towards a small gazebo, laughing like two children playing in the rain.

As they stood under the gazebo, sheltered from the pouring rain , Emily removed the wet jacket from her shoulders and placed it on the railing. She felt cold but there was nothing she could do as they were both soaked.

" Gosh ! it was such a beautiful evening and here comes the rain to spoil a beautiful spring evening", she said with a smile looking at the pouring rain.

Lorenzo was standing next to her , he turned and looked at her as she wrapped her arms around herself trying to keep warm. Her clothes was wet and her long hair clung to her back. The scene reminded him of that day on the yacht and he quickly walked away standing on the other side of the gazebo .

She turned to look at Lorenzo and she noticed he had walked to the other side and his back was turned to her.Emily wondered if something was wrong and she walked towards him and touched him lightly on his back. He turned around looking at her ,

" Are you ok?", she asked softly and without saying a word Lorenzo grabbed her by her waist and pulled her closer, he softly touched her face as he tucked a few wet strands of hair which were stuck on her face behind her ear.

" I had to move away because otherwise I...", he didn't finish his sentence and Emily's whole body froze as his lips gently brushed over hers .

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