Chapter sixteen

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" Afraid of men!",Emily exclaimed.
" Where did you get that stupid idea?", she added trying to laugh as if what he had said was so hilarious .

At the same time at the back of her mind, she knew what he had said was the truth ,but she couldn't let him see that he could read her like an open book.

" Miss. Parks , I know for a fact that you are afraid of letting a man get close to you. How old are you now?  in your late twenties..and you are still  single!", Lorenzo said.

Emily turned her back to him and stared at the lake , she didn't want to answer since it was not  the sort of conversation to have with a stranger . A conversation about her personal life, if she was single or not that was her business.

What is it to him , if I'm still single or don't want a man in my life!?, she said to herself.

" Can we go back now?", she asked .

" If you want to", he answered and she turned to see him walking towards the car.

He didn't ask anymore questions , just walked towards the car and opened the passenger door.
She walked quickly towards the car looking back one last time at the lake before she got in the car.
The drive was quiet and Emily didn't like it, she felt awkward. She glanced at him , his face was serious staring at the road and she had to admit that this man next to her was surely a handsome man.

Step out of it woman!, she said to herself.

" Mr. Lorenzo.. thank you for taking me out there today", she said. She really meant it, being out there helped to clear her mind and replaced the anger she had felt with calmness .
He didn't answer , he just glanced over at her and then back at the road.
What's wrong with him!?, she wondered , she didn't like how quite he was and his face was too serious .
As he pulled up outside the boutique, Emily didn't say anything as she hurried to get out to go to her car.
"I almost forgot, Fabian said to come to the house tonight. He is having a small gathering  and he will like to invite you and your sisters tonight at our place", Lorenzo said with a serious tone and Emily quickly replied yes and she walked out.

She didn't know why she was upset that Lorenzo had gone quiet on her. She got in her car and in her rear view mirror she saw him getting out and walking inside the boutique.

"Tonight I have to go to his house! I cannot come up with another excuse like last night and Samantha better come with me!", Emily said softly as she drove away.

Emily and Samantha walked towards the Augustine's mansion. Samantha and MaryBeth had took their time to dress her up in a nude bodycon dress and matching high heels.
She wondered if she was not overdressed since it could be a simple dinner and she might feel out of place.

" Stop fidgeting!", Samantha hissed at her a they walked towards the stairs.

Emily was glad to see some other cars parked that meant there were more people.
As they approached the door , a maid greeted them and opened the door. They walked into the living room were they were greeted by Fabian and Elena.

" We are glad you could make it this time!", Elena said .

Emily smiled at her and answered " thank you for inviting us".

" It's just tonight is exactly our anniversary so we having a small cocktail", Fabian said.

" Come with me.. let's get something for you ladies to drink", Elena suggested and Emily followed her since her sister said she will wait for her in the living room.

Emily looked at the brunette in the kitchen and noticed that she was a bit sad. She hesitated before she asked her what was the matter .
Elena looked around the kitchen and then she whispered,

" I thought Fabian.. well he will propose.. every year I've waited for his proposal but I'm always disappointed".

Emily wanted to smile because she knew soon her dream of marrying Fabian will come true and it will be in such a spectacular way!
She thought carefully before she answered,
" The night is still young. Maybe it might come when you least expected. Life is like that full of surprises", Emily said holding her hands and Elena smiled at her and nodded yes.

" Thank you for your kind words . And thank you for everything you are doing for my birthday. I just love the invite !", Elena exclaimed and Emily felt flattered that the brunette loved her invitation cards.
Not bad for an amateur,she thought and they grabbed the drink to go back to the living room when Ginnie walked in.

" There you are Elena. I've been looking for you.. why don't you let the maids do that ", she said.

Ginnie whispered something in Elena 's ears and she excused herself. Emily looked at them walking away and she wondered what was going on.She walked back into the living room to find her sister talking to a guy and she must have been enjoying his company since she was grinning from ear to ear.

She handed Samantha a glass of Champagne and she introduced her to Martin, a Cuban athlete who happened to be Lorenzo's friend .

Speaking of Lorenzo, where is he?,Emily thought as she glanced across the room.

She couldn't find him anywhere and she wondered if he was avoiding her.

Why would he be?,she said to herself.

Throughout the whole night Emily had caught sight of Lorenzo only twice . Once when everyone were in the room whilst Elena and Fabian cut their anniversary cake and the second time he was walking away hand in hand with Ginnie.
He didn't once come around to greet them and Emily thought it was better that way.

" Emily , I have to take the car", Samantha whispered next to her.

" What do you mean .. how will I get home?!", she whispered back.

" Please call a taxi. I'm dropping Martin over at his hotel", her sister said and Emily looked at her.

" Are you being serious?! Call a taxi whilst you dropMr. Athlete!", Emily glared at  Samantha.

Her sister looked at her with those pleading puppy eyes and in the end she couldn't say anything as she took out the car keys and handed it to her sister .
They walked up to Fabian and Elena , thanking them for inviting them and Emily informed them that they were leaving. She told Fabian that she will be getting in touch with him in the morning and then made their way to the front door.Once outside Samantha and Martin said goodbye to her and she grabbed her phone to call for a taxi when she saw him standing in front of her.

" I'll take you home", he said.

She said Yes!Where stories live. Discover now