
110 13 45

Gabe's note: I love Bob 😎
Maya's POV

My heart nearly jumps out of my chest. I'm surprised to find myself kissing back with just as much force.

Stop. Stop. Stop. This is so wrong.
What are you doing, you idiot?? Did you forget everything that's happened in the past hour? She's using you...

For a second, I don't even care if she's using me at this point. I don't freaking care.

My mind is a blur of mixed emotions. Euphoria. Nervousness. Excitement. Guilt. And I can't seem to wrap my head around the fact that Asher is kissing me right now.

Asher pulls away resting her forehead on mine. We're both breathing hard. I want her lips back on mine right now.

All of a sudden, Lexie comes to mind. Her girlfriend. Asher's current girlfriend. And here I am kissing her..

I feel her body move away from me and I look up and see guilt written all across her face.

My heart sinks.

Asher's POV

I quickly get up and step back away from her. It happened again. I kissed her again.

Fuck. You complete idiot.

Maya sits up as well and looks at me, hurt etched across her face.

"Look, I think we should stop whatever this is.." I start. Her eyes shift to the floor.

She just nods.

"It's complicated right now.." I try again.

She's slowly gets up and is about to go when I call out her name. She turns and stares at me sadly.

"Don't leave yet.." I sound so weak. So pathetic.

She sighs. And turns back to face me.

"I guess I understand...let's just forget about that kiss, okay? It never happened."

"Yes. Definitely."

She looks at the ground. The only sound is of a distant lawnmower outside.

"So uh...can we be friends then? Just friends, nothing more?" I venture hesitantly.

She looks at me for a moment and I find myself holding my breath. She gives me a weak smile.

"Sure, that won't make it more awkward. But can we actually get some work done now?" She hastily replies.

"Oh um yeah of course!"

There's a bit of a silence, and I try to calm my breathing.

She opens her binder back up and shows me a sketch she drew.

"Here, I think I've come up with something. It's a chemical reaction," she tells me. "When you mix these two ordinary household ingredients together, you get a whole new different chemical."

I try to pay attention to her words but my mind keeps wandering back to the kiss...and then to Lexie...and back to Maya. My eyes shift over, and I see a curl of hair fall in front of her face. I suddenly have the urge to brush it away. She really is beautiful.

"...so do you think that will work?" She asks, looking up at me.

Shit. What was she talking about?

"Yep!" I say, trying to act natural. "I think that will work."

She grins at me and it's as if she forgot everything that's happened in the past hour or two.

"So what's this chemical reaction thingy?"

"I just told you!"

"Oh right.."

"Idiot, you weren't listening, were you?"

I look up expecting her to be mad but instead she's laughing at me.

"Whatever, dumbass!" I shoot back, grinning.

She pretends to be hurt and clutches her chest.

"How rude of you!" She pretends to cry.

I roll my eyes.

"Maybe you're not such a bad partner," she smirks as she shuts her binder.

"And maybe you're not that bad either..." I grumble in a playful tone. "My sincere apologies for doubting your intelligence."

Maya laughs. And it's genuine.

"Whatever, idiot!" She pushes me a little too hard and I nearly fall off the bed.

"Oops!" She giggles innocently. I roll my eyes and laugh.

What the fuck?! I'm supposed to be a badass..

Maya's POV

This isn't so bad. Asher's kind of nice...when you get to know her.

At around 6 pm, I pack up my things to leave.

"Soooo I'll see you...tomorrow? To work on the project?" I ask hesitantly swinging my backpack over my shoulder.

"Sure, just text me," she replies happily.

I nod once more, and head outside. I can't help but sigh in content. Can't wait to tell Gabe I was friend zoned. He was really pushing for that Masher ship.

Asher's POV

After a long hot shower, I sit on the edge of my bed, feeling pretty good about myself. She's my friend. Hopefully I don't fuck it up. Again.

I strip down and curl up in a ball, scrolling through my phone. Just then, someone messages me.

It's her.

I internally squeal like a little girl. Lexie texted me back. My..

First love.


I feel myself panic as I realize I'm late for the next class. Lexie and I are in the girls dressing room, playing pranks on each other.

I like to say I was winning.

And I probably was.

I pin Lexie's wrists against the lockers. I have no choice. She keeps jabbing me in the side, my one and only weakness that makes me fall over laughing.

"Lexie." I give her a death glare.

"Asher." She smirks.

I narrow my eyes, and I don't realize how close I am to her lips until she tilts her chin up and kisses me. And I'm frozen in terror.

She likes me?

She stops kissing me, her ears red. She's about to apologize when I interrupt her and kiss her fully on the lips.

I like her too.


LEXIE: as much as I hate to say it, we need to talk.

I fumble my phone as I read her message and end up dropping the phone on my face.

Good job, Asher.

I text her back right away, feeling hopeful. Maybe I can fix my relationship with her?


Just maybe..

We can fall in love again.
Wassup my dudes we're back with another chapter!! Who's side are you guys on?? Masher? Or Lasher? (Distant cheers: Masher! Masher!) sorry lol, you probably know what side I'm on ;) ANYWAY I hope you enjoyed this chapter, don't forget to vote and comment! Until next time, loves <3

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