Chapter 2

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"Bip bip bip bip bi-"

I slammed my fist on my alarm clock to shut it down and lazily got up from my bed. I heard the water running from the bathroom, so I concluded that Grey was already awake. At least I didn't have to wake him up.

I stretched my body a little and went through my phone while waiting for Grey to get out.
Since nothing interesting happened in the last six hours, I put my phone back on my nightstand and went to the window. I looked around the campus, seeing students already outside of their rooms and teachers chatting in a corner. What was great about being in this boarding school, was that I could directly see the girls' dorms from my window. I never really "looked" at them, but at least I knew I could. But, let's be honest: Grey was the one taking all the pleasure from it. But don't blame him. He just couldn't help it.

All the inside of the rooms where hidden by curtains, which probably meant that the girls where getting dressed. Well, all of them, except for one, that also happened to be the one right in front of our window.

I was about to turn around to do something else, when a girl came in the frame. It was Lucy. She had a towel around her wet body and she was typing something on her phone. My eyes widened and next thing I know, she throws her phone on the bed and unwraps her towel, revealing a perfect naked body. I could see all of it: her breast, her butt, the in between of her legs, her waist, her hips, her legs... everything.
No matter how many times I told myself to look away, I just couldn't help but stare. I wasn't controlling my body anymore, and without realizing, my phone was in my hand, and the camera app was opened. My thumb moved by itself and pressed the button to take a picture, and an other one, and an other one, and an other one... Quickly, my camera roll was filled with photos of Lucy, naked and dressed, starting with her underwear and then her shirt and jeans.

"What the hell am I doing?!" I thought, but that didn't make me stop.

Although what did make me stop was the voice of my roommate:

"Dude! What the hell are you doing!" he yelled with a shocked expression on his face.

I jumped in surprise, making my phone fall on the ground right in front of of him. He picked it up and gasped as he scrolled through the photos.

"What the f*ck is this?!" he said, showing me the screen.

"Nothing! Give it back!"

I snatched it from his hand and threw it on my bed. He was still staring at me, looking shocked as hell.

"Why on earth do you have pics of that naked girl on your phone?! Is she some kind of pornstar?"

"No! It's Lucy!" I protested, but didn't realize that it was worse.

"No way! You took pictures of her naked!?"

"I... Uh... It's not what you think!"I said, trying to justify myself.

"Not your style, huh?"he commented in a mocking way.

"Shut up! I... I..."I started, but didn't really know what to say.

"It's too late dude. I caught you. There's no way you can change my mind."

"Change your mind about what?"I said, like I didn't know what he was talking about.

"You have a C-R-U-C-H on her!"he exclaimed.

"Shut the F-U-C-K up."

"Oh come on dude! Just admit that you like her!"

"I don't! Now leave me alone! I gotta get ready."I finished, and made my way to the bathroom.

"Hey! Natsu!"he called, making me turn back.


"Look down."he simply said, and left to go get his bag.

I raised an eyebrow but did as he said and was very surprised to see that I had a small bulge down there.

I blushed madly and quickly rinsed my face with some cold water.

"What the f*ck are you doing to me Lucy?!"I whisper shouted.

I tried thinking about something else to calm down, but I just couldn't stop picturing her naked body in my head. I don't know what had gotten in my head that day, but I let my hand slip under my boxers and my mind picture her body moving for me. I wanted her. I wanted her badly.

And there I was, jerking off while thinking of her, in the bathroom, at seven in the morning.

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