four:date night

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"I've been upside down I don't want to be the right way around I find paradise on the ground"

Y/n's POV:
"Bet that shut her up very quickly" Corrina said snorting as she curled my hair for the date.
"I don't like her.. I HATE HER" I preached as I applied blush on my face scaring Corrina who nearly burn't my hair.
"Well Ashley won't be bothering you from now on just hope she leaves me alone as well" Corrina groaned as she finished doing my hair.

"Sure you aren't going on a date with a psycho?.. you don't even know what he looks like he may be a stalker or worse. What am I going to do without my best friend then huh who suddenly disappeared?" Corrina said giving me puppy eyes then started laughing really loudly "just joking I am waiting outside in the car for you just in case"
"Really you would do that for me?" I replied hugging her. "Yeppp" she said. "If he has a fit friend tell him to hit me up?"
"I will do don't worry Corrina, I can't be the only one who is taken my bestie has to be as well!" I screamed.
"Before we go let me just say you look so prettyyy"
"And your body in that dress though don't get me started he is going to be drooling all over you!"
" Ahaa I love you soo much", I said before she cut me off -
"Let's get you going or we are going to be late y/n, you did tell him to be there at 6:00 sharp"
And with that we rushed out to Corrina's car.

I sat down in my seat which was under Anthony's name. I looked at my phone which showed exactly 6:00 pm. I sat there patiently scrolling through Instagram and liking basically all of my old school friends pictures.
Everyone has grown up so quickly.
As I looked up after waiting here for about 20 minutes a brown hair tanned boy appeared and pulled the chair opposite me out.
He had white pearly teeth.
Dark brown eyes and a sharp jaw line which could cut a bitch within two seconds.
I sat there in awe looking at him.

"Hey my name is Anthony & you are y/n" he said smiling brightly.
I nodded.
I shook his hand and he started to explain to me about why he was late because his best friend Jake wanted to come as well but he just wanted it to be me and him. He started telling me some corny jokes and then explained to me how he got my number when he was drunk and the fact he didn't think I would be so beautiful.

I couldn't stop blushing.

"Cheers" we said in union clicking our glasses together which made everyone look at us and we burst out laughing.
" I don't think we fit in into this environment, everyone is sooo serious" I snorted which resulted him into giving me a weird look and then laughing at me loudly.

After that we got escorted out by the waiters because apparently we were "disturbing the guests" so we left and hung around the corner for a bit before I checked the time which was now 9:00.

"I better be going my friend has been waiting in the car for me for the past 3 hours" I smiled.

"Oh I wish we could have spent a little longer together but it was nice meeting you, maybe we can do this again?" he said kissing me on the cheek.

I bit my lip and nodded as he hugged me goodbye and he told me to come see him over the weekend to where he lived and to bring my friend with me.
He said to bring a spare piece of clothing just in case we ended up staying the night.
And with that I walked towards Corrina's car who was fast asleep.
I knocked on her window which ended up in her screaming and then letting me into the car.

"Soooo he wants us both to come?"


"I can't wait, hopefully he has some fit mates which you forgot to askkkk about Y/n" she said with a stern face but then ended up laughing.

Today had been amazing❤️

- for more chapters :) 🖤

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