Chapter 5 - Josie

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The hotel keycard is small and flimsy but oddly heavy in my pocket.

I can feel it shifting around every time I move towards the water that the waitress had brought at some point while the unknown man and I were wrapped up in one another. I can still feel his hands on my body, pulling me gently up against him as we rocked together... A shiver rolls slowly up my spine, making my throat tight.

Was I going to go to his room? Would I be that brave? On any other night, I would never have even considered such a thought.

"There you are, sis!" Ben calls in shock, pushing through the people to approach me as I whip around in surprise to face him.

He extends his arms towards me and I leap into his embrace, squeezing him tight.

After spinning me in a circle, he set me down against the floor and then stumbled slightly to the side. With a laugh, I reached out and helped steady him. Somebody's had a few drinks tonight, that much is clear.

Then again, so have I.

"I didn't expect you to actually come!" he continues with delight and booze bright in his eyes.

His face is flushed red from the alcohol and I can smell it on him like it's seeping from every single pore on his body. I'm almost positive that he has hockey practice the next morning and I'm going to have to guess it won't be his best one of the season.

"I promised you I would," I grin back.

"I can't believe how long it's been since we hung out last! You look great, by the way. Let me introduce you to some of the guys."

He takes my hand, pulling me after him through the crowd until we reach a group of men clustered together. I can tell they're hockey players by their muscled build, but their expressions are all very kind.

"This is Max, James, and Paul. There's some more guys, and I really wanted you to meet Luke too, but I think they've all already left, I think. Probably headed to somewhere cooler than this," Ben laughs and nudges his closest teammate, who playfully rolls his eyes.

I'd heard the name Luke thrown around a bit in our chats. As far as I know, this Luke guy is my brother's best friend and closest confidante on the team. If you ask me, Luke sounds a little arrogant. I've never met him, but I assume he's the type of man who makes every situation about himself.

"Nice to meet you," I murmur shyly to the surrounding men, my buzz and my nerve slowly dwindling.

Again I find myself uncomfortable, like I'm adrift in this sea of people. There's just so much noise and chaos... the only place I'd really felt secure tonight was in that man's arms.

Why hadn't I even asked his name? If I don't work up the courage to go to his room, then I'll never know just who he is. Then again, if I don't go to his room, won't that be saying I'm not interested in the first place?

A lazy vein pulses on my temple in confusion.

"Guys, this is my little sister, Josie," Ben continues, the mention of my name tugging me out of my deep thoughts. "Now I expect all of you to be perfect gentlemen. Hands to yourselves."

He smirks faintly at me, wrapping an arm around my shoulder as his teammates take turns shaking my hand. I find myself at a loss for words, now grateful for the loud music that helped to fill in some of the deafening silence now growing between us. Ben was too drunk to help me out here, staring idly up at one of the flashing dancefloor lights like he'd only just noticed it.

"So does this mean we'll be seeing more of you, Josie?" Max asks curiously. "You know your brother saves you a seat at every game. Front row, one of the best in the house."

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