Chapter 13 - Josie

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Luke's body ragdolls as he skids backwards limply across the ice, the rest of the players going instantly still.

The other man who Luke ran into slowly sits up, taking off his helmet and shaking his head. Luke doesn't move.

A team of medics rushes over to him, carefully rolling Luke onto a stretcher and getting him off the ice. I frantically follow them, barely feeling the ground under my feet in my hurry to reach him. When I dart around the corner, I come face to face with my brother.

Ben's face is white as a sheet, his mouth drawn into a hard line. His eyes churn with such a wide array of emotion that I can hardly pick a single one out.

The secret was out, Ben had seen the way Luke and I looked at one another.

"You two. You were what, together? Is that why the both of you have been so down this week?" he goes abruptly stiff, his pale face turning slightly green, "Was it him who was over last week when I came by?"

"Ben... this doesn't matter now. Luke is hurt, we have to figure out how bad it is."

I can tell he wants to argue more, to lecture me and scold me about how dumb and traitorous the short-lived affair with his best friend was, but right now we have Luke to focus on.

He begrudgingly nods, leading me past the players' bench to a small medical bay on the side of the hockey arena.

When we walk inside, a doctor is stripping off Luke's padding and jerseys. His eyes are closed, his body so still that for a second I can't even tell if he's breathing. One of the medical technicians carefully eases off his helmet, revealing a bruised face.

"Concussion is likely," the doctor murmurs to one of his assistants, "we've got to check for broken bones and stretched ligaments now."

"A concussion?" I echo weakly, suddenly feeling faint on my feet.

I wobble to the side, reaching out for something to steady me. The only thing I find is Ben's arm. He stiffens under my touch, jaw clenching, but allows me to cling to him.

"Is it bad?" Ben asks gravely, watching the doctor inspect Luke.

"If he doesn't come to soon, I'm going to have to send him to the ER... but if he fell on his back right, it could be a game ender," the doctor responds, just as seriously. "Only time will tell."

"No!" I cry out, "His career can't be over. He loves hockey!"

Ben and the doctor exchange a look and Ben pulls me away.

"The doctor knows that Luke loves hockey. I know that Luke loves hockey. Unfortunately, that doesn't make a difference if he's badly injured, Josie."

"Luke is stronger than that," I whisper back, fingers curling hard into fists. "I don't care what the doctor says or what anyone says. Luke is going to be fine."

Ben stares at me, his own helmet resting tucked under his arm. He's still wearing his skates. His face is hard as a stone mask. I can tell he's still angry at me, but right now all I care about is the limp man on the examination table.

I push past my brother, leaning over Luke and taking his hand tight in mine. I squeeze it, pressing the back of his strong palm to my lips.

"I'm here, Luke, I'm right here. You're going to be fine..."

He looks so lifeless and stiff there, like he's never going to open his eyes. I feel tears slowly welling up, streaking down my cheeks. I squeeze his hand tighter, willing him to respond.

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