in art tracers defense

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now i know how much hate this will get..

but hear me out..

some art tracers aren't as bad as they seem, there are some who ask to use art, some who use the art just to improve their art skills by tracing until they figure it out, it all comes to what they're intentions are...

if you pass it off as your own, then yes, you are considered a bad person, if you ask to post it and had permission of the artist, respect the artists wishes, heck you might even become friends with said artist! ^^

don't trace or steal art without permission, thats sucky and rude, as someone who used to trace art myself (i grew outta that phase), i mainly just asked if i could use the art (yes, there were times when i didn't ask, i'm a bad person ;w;)

i don't trace anymore, all my drawings are made by me, i've even dealt with art tracers and theft, moral of the story is ask before you trace.. ok? ^^

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