an average conversation with my personalities

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Ok, so heres kinda what goes on in my messed up head

(Info on the personalities

A angry bossy female voice, her name is Sarah

A nice, but also easily taken advantage of girl voice named Jessica

A bold, exciting male voice named Jason

A smart, quiet voice named Tony

A shy bean named Derek

A emo boi named Walter)

Me: *just doing my thing*

Sarah: give me a turn already

Jason: No, we already agreed that it was Will's turn (Will is not my real name but its what I'm using)

Jessica: you heard Sarah! It's her turn!

Walter: honestly, I should go.. Not like he needs to speak.

Me: guys, please-

Jessica, Sarah, and Jason: Shut up.

Me: B*tch-

Jason: Hey! No swearing! Derek exists you know!

Me: don't care

Tony: if you want the logical reason, I should be in control


Derek: g-guys, can we n-not fight?

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