Chapter 6

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The next day I went to school not knowing how to face Cheryl. Was I suppose to ask her how her date with Ashley went? Surely I'd run into her at our locker... 'A simple greeting should suffice.' I decided.

"Good morning, Cheryl," I said as I approached her from behind, startling her a little bit.

"Oh hi Kim! I was just trying to make room for me runnin' gear without gettin' it in the way of our sketchpads!"

"Here, let me do that for you," I offered, glad that there wasn't any tension between us.

"Wow Kim, you're like really good at organizin' aren't ya?"

"Mhmm, it's something I take pride in," I smiled, "There, all done."

"Maybe you should organize me schedule for us cause God kno-" she stops mid-sentence when she realized it was still a sensitive topic amongst us. "Oh I'm so sorry, Kimberley! I know that I've said that to you already but I just wanted to say it again to you in person; I really didn't mean to blow off our plans-I'm such a fookin' twat sometimes."

"You're not a twat, Cheryl," I said before turning back to face the locker to put my things away. "It's fine, I understand."

She was still unconvinced when I said that without meeting her eyes. "Kim, I-"

"CHERYL!!" Our conversation was interrupted when the girl in our homeroom popped out of nowhere.

"Hey Nic," Cheryl replied. She gave me an apologetic smile before turning her full attention to Nicola.

"IS IT TRUE!?" Nicola was practically bouncing in one spot.

"Calm down, Nicola, others are startin' to stare at us." Cheryl chuckled, trying to maintain an overly-excited ginger. "What's true?"

"That you and Ashley! That you're dating the finest guy in school!! Is it?!"

"Yes, babe it's true," she answered, and they both squealed in delight.

"Oh my gosh!! Hi Kim! Did you hear that Cheryl and Ashley are dating?!?!" She turned to look at me and waited for me to join in on the excitement.

"Nic, if she didn't know before, she definitely knows now, what with you and your broadcastin'." Cheryl teased, gesturing for Nicola to look down the hallway. She sure got a few heads to turn our way.

"Tell me EVERYTHING!!"

"Haha okay babe, soon. I'll tell you during P.E. class. Kim? What's your schedule like today?"

"I have drama first period then-" I didn't get a chance to finish when Ashley came into view.

"Morning Babe!" Ashley greeted as he gave Cheryl a hug from behind. "Hey girls."

"H-Hi Ashley." Nicola piped.

"Hey," I casually reply.

"You ready for class, Babe? I'll walk you."

"Ok, just give us a second," Cheryl said, smiling up at him.

"You guys are sooo cute!" Nicola nudged me. "Aren't they??"

"Yeah- I er, I gotta get to class now. Don't want to be late. Bye guys!" I said, rushing to leave.

"Have fun, Kim!" I hear Cheryl shout after me.


"Now class, please partner up with someone who you normally would've never had the courage to talk to before." Our drama teacher Ms. Bowles was getting us to do warm-up exercises; getting us comfortable and familiar with each other.

I looked around the room seeing people slowly approach others, laughing in the process when they've reached their conclusion. I realized that I was just standing there and didn't want to be the last one without one. I was about to start walking around until I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around, greeted by a bashful smile.

"Uh hey, I was wondering if you wanted to be partners," he said. He looked decent, someone who looked welcoming. I've never met him before but if I did I don't think I would've talked to him-I guess he falls under the partner criteria then.

"Sure, I'm Kimberley," I said, extending out my hand to him.

His warm gentle hand took in mine.

"Hi, I'm Justin."

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