Chapter 7

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"Come on, Kimberley we have to."

"No, I don't want to. I don't think it's a good idea."

Ms. Bowles had requested for every partner to do a trust exercise, which meant that we would have to take turns entrusting each other with our individual tasks. It was a fairly simple concept—one person would intentionally fall backwards, while trusting their partner to catch them before they reached the ground. It was my turn to catch Justin but I wasn't confident that my strength would hold him up.

"I trust you, Kim."

"Ughh, fineee. But if you fall, it's not my fault."

"Ok, here we go... 1, 2-"

"Did you guys hear about Cheryl and Ashley?!" Somewhere in between Justin's countdown, I heard her name and lost my concentration.

'Fck!' I mentally swore when I felt myself getting knocked over by Justin. We both landed together on the floor with Justin on top of me—my face going red from embarrassment as students turned to look at us.

"Shit are you okay, Kim?!" He lifted himself off of me and offered me a hand to stand up.

"Y-yeah, sorry about that. I blanked out for a second. Ouch." I said as I rubbed the back of my head.

"Did you want to sit down for a bit?" He looked so concerned for me when I was the one who failed to catch him, causing the both of us to collapse.

"Yeah, that'd be great. Sorry again." I apologized, still feeling guilty.

"Hey don't worry about it, I made you do it when you said you didn't want to. " He gave a little chuckle. "I guess I just asked for it."

I smiled at his featherlight personality. He was very easy-going and comfortable to be around.

"So..." he started when it went quiet for a while, "what made you go into drama?"

"I've always loved broadway shows. The costumes, the makeup, the screenplays—it's all very graceful and elegant the way everything comes together. What about you?"

Justin just continued to stare at me until I waved my hand infront of him.

"Oh I- my explanation wouldn't compare anything to yours—you sounded very passionate about it just now."

"Let's hear it then," I encouraged.

"I just did it to get more comfortable with people; work on my social skills really.." he said meekily.

"Well, you're doing splendid for the first day, Justin." I patted him on the shoulder.

"Thanks, Kim. You make it easy, I usually don't talk that much around pretty girls."

"Well thank you, kind Sir, you're not too shaby yourself." I winked.


After class, Justin decided to walk me to my locker. He seemed like a really genuine person, and I didn't mind his company.

"So what's your schedule today like, Kim?"

"Drama, Math, English and then Dance." I recited, already remembering my schedule. 'Dance—Cheryl said we have that together.'

"Oh you dance as well?"

"Nope, but I thought I might as well try it out. I mean, if I wanted to do broadway later on, I think it would be helpful." Justin had on that same look he had in drama class again.

"Why do you keep staring at me like that?"

"Like what?"

"I don't know, like I'm talking in another language."

"Hm, I just never met anyone like you. You seem to know what you want. You're very well-thought-out."

"Yeah, I've been called 'organized' once or twice." I say, remembering this morning.

"Well, with a mind like that, you should probably put some ice on your head later to reduce any swelling."

As if on cue, my minor headache started to come back. "Ahhh geez Justin, you sure know what to say to jinx things."

"Sorry," he chuckled, "you look really cute when you pout like that."

"Ha-Ha. Thanks Justin, but that doesn't make the pain go away."

"What pain?" I quickly turn around to face Cheryl.

"Ouch!" I say, after getting a shock to my head when I turned too fast.

"She fell and hit her head on the ground in drama class today." Justin answered, seeing that I couldn't. "Hi, I'm Justin."

"Call us Cheryl." she says shaking his hand. "How are you, Kim? Do you need to go to the nurses?"

"No, I'm fine. I just don't think I'd be able to absorb anything in math class later."

"Oh I had that class yesterday, I can always help you if you want, Kim," Justin offered.

"Thanks Justin."

"Anyway, I gotta get to class now, take it easy Kim—I'll catch you later." Justin winked, as he turned to leave.

"He seems nice," Cheryl says gleaming up at me. "Did you guys just meet?"

"Yeah, he walked me back to make sure that I was okay. It was my fault really." 

We began to walk down the hallway to our next period.

"How did you fall?"

"We were doing these trust exercises and I was suppose to catch him but then I heard y- I heard something and so he ended up falling on me." 

"Falling on you? Or falling for you?" Cheryl giggled. I didn't know what to say.

"So how was class? What do you have now?"

"Science was borin' and now I have P.E."


"Oh shit! I gotta run now, pet! I heard the teacher makes you run around the school if you're late!" Cheryl quickly pats my bum and runs off into the crowd.

I sigh at how adorable she is and smile to myself.

My headache seemed to fade away a little.

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