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"What? Are you that desperate for a new place that you're signing already without seeing the apartment yourself??" The Landlord asks in disbelief. You shrug, "Well, it's cheap." 

"Alright," He sighs, holding out a paper for the contract. "You can move out once you find a replacement if you don't like the house, you know." 

"Don't worry," you nod, "I won't be moving out anytime soon."


As you carried the last box and set your things up, you huff in exhaustion and looked around. 

It's a nice place. You thought, nodding to yourself.

You walked over to your kitchen and opened your new pantry, and fishing out a bottle of water. As you took a sip, a cold chill ran through the air. Did I put on the air conditioning? 

You shrugged to yourself and walked over to your couch, and turning on the T.V. You closed the lid with your cap on the bottle and set it on the mini table. Looking up, you came face-to-face with a male's face. 

You flinch a little. 

What is a man doing here in my house? You thought. As you didn't say anything, the male continued to look at you. He had blonde hair and crystal blue eyes, and a handsome face. You clear your throat, startling him. He looked down to your hands and poked them, only for his fingers to go through. 

No way,  You think, your eyes widening, Could he be a ghost? 

Wait, no. He's not throwing stuff everywhere. He's not harming me. I've heard people say that if you encounter with a spirit and leave them alone, they'll leave you alone also. 

You take a deep inhale and continued to look at the T.V. On the corner of your eye, you can see him raising his finger to poke your neck. So you tilt your neck and pretend to rub it. "My neck is stiff..." you mutter, shutting your eyes. 

Great, now I'm going to live with a ghost.


As those days went on, you ignored the handsome ghost. 

Even when he tried to catch your attention, like peeking through your computer when you were searching for a part-time job, and going through the ceiling and walls. 

Seriously, HE IS A PAIN IN THE NECK. You think every time he does this.  

Sometimes, when you were taking a shower, he would sit on the sink and lean against the shower curtains, only to go through them and the back on his head would go through your face, and seeing him lean back over very quickly. 

You thought you can stand living with him. 

But it had changed..


You got back to your apartment after you went to the store and putting the groceries in. 

Now, you were laying on your bed, a book in your lap, and your phone pressed onto your ear. 

You were talking with your friend, Jeongyeon. 

"Hey, sorry for the sudden question, but are you interested with dating anyone??" She asks you. "What are you talking about..? Of course I'm not." You answer, amused. You felt a cold chill run your side and you knew. He is here.

"But if you could see him..." She trails off. "Huh? So you actually got someone to set me up with? You're kidding right??" You say. "But he's really nice!" She suggests. You sigh, sitting up. 

"Fine, I'll think about it. I'll have to let you go now.........bye." Then you hang up and toss your phone on the bed. 

You turn off the light and gather yourself in your bed sheets, closing your eyes. Frustrated, you sit up and set your T.V. on. "Gosh. Why is it always to dark when the light's are off?" You mutter to yourself, getting back in the bed and closing your eyes once again. 

You then feel cold air touch your cheek and toss your hair behind your ear. What the hell is he doing now? You thought. This is awkward. 

You feel something touch your cheek and pull your face forward. Then very cold air touched your lips and stayed there. 

You furrow your eyebrows. 

Don'topenyoureyes,don'topenyoureyes. You think, over and over. 

Subconsciously, your eyes open to see the spirit's lips over yours. You widen your eyes. Out of surprise and fear, you fall off the bed. You notice him look at you in surprise. Face burning, you cover your face. "Agh, damn it..." You mutter.


Oh shit, did-did he notice? You uncover your face and close your eyes. You hear him crawl off the bed and crawl over to you. "Hello?" He waves a hand in front of your face.

Quietly, you stand up and walk away. 

He gets up quickly and stops you, "Hang on a second! You can see me right? You looked at me!" He exclaims and watches you walk away and head for the door. 

"Don't walk away! I-I know your name, it's Y/N!" 

You stop. Shaking your head, you twist the door knob, only to find it was locked. You find the keys on the table beside the door, grabbing them and unlocking the door. 

"Wait, I can explain!" He yells. "Don't leave just yet, I know it was awkward but-" His voice gets interrupted by the shut of a door. 

Sighing, you lean on the door. 

"I need to get out of here.."

Entity// Kim TaehyungWhere stories live. Discover now