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"Come on, that's just a scratch." The boy mutters while pointing on the scrape on Y/N's knee.

"I was worse. I was covered in blood."

You were sitting on your bed while talking on the phone with Jeongyeon. 

"I'm sorry, I forgot about that......I had some work to do and I just moved into a new place...." 

You get up from your bed and stepped down the stairs. Your eyes widened as you see 'Taehyung' sitting on the last step of the stairs, with his back turned to you. "O-Okay, I'll be there soon." you answer, inhaling deeply.

"You can come fir-" 

All of a sudden, you were on the floor. 

"A-Are you okay, Y/N?!" yells Taehyung. He leans close to your face and finds you unconscious. "Um...wake up!!" he shouts, "Wake up!" He then grabs his hair in frustration. 


Startled, Taehyung looks over to your phone and finds that you have not hung up on your conversation with your friend. He crawls over to your phone. "Hey, Y/N?" calls a female voice.

That must be this 'Jeongyeon' Taehyung thought.

"What is it? What happened??" a male voice comes up. "I don't know. All I heard was a loud thump and.." 

Taehyung bit his lip nervously, "Um, hello?? Can you hear me? Uh, Y/N fell off the stairs--" And a beep from the phone cuts him off.


Your eyes open and you hear the loud sound of rain from outside. A throbbing pain came from your head, legs, and arms and you winced. You sit up and jump when you see Taehyung looking distressed with his hands covering his face. 

A gasp escapes your lips and he springs up. 

"Oh!! Y/N, you're awake! Are you okay??" He asks. Cold air hits your shoulder and you look to the side to see his hand on it. You let out a sigh of relief as you sit against the wall, across from him. 

".....you've been passed out for a few minutes." He says quietly. "Uh, I'm sorry. I must have startled you, haha." He laughs and scratches his left cheek. "Don't worry. I wasn't looking where I was going since I was on the phone the whole time." you smile. 

"Don't beat yourself up over me."

A blush crept up to Taehyung's cheeks as he watches you look out your window from across the room.

You clear your throat and you could feel your cheeks burning as you say, "But...thank you any-"

A loud knock came from the front door, cutting you off. 

You stood up and walked towards the door. There stands Jeongyeon and your other best friend, Min Yoongi. Jeongyeon lets out a gasp as her eyes trail around the bruises all over your body. "Oh my gosh, what happened?!" exclaims Jeongyeon. 


 A silence filled the room as you told them what happened to you.

"You're 23! How could you fall off the stairs?!" yells Jeongyeon and Yoongi nods silently.

"I-I'm sorry..." you laugh quietly. 

"You know what? Let's take you to the hospital. Yoongi, you can carry her on your back." Jeongyeon instructs. Yoongi leans forward over to you and whispers not so quietly, "I also think we should take you there. You know you can't trust her first aid." 

"Hey!!" Jeongyeon shouts, raising her fist as if she was going to punch him. 

On the corner of your eye, you notice Taehyung staring at you so you look over and he smiles.

"Eh? What are you looking at? Are we going or not??" Yoongi asks. 

Yoongi then leans so close to your face and you could feel his hands gather themselves all over the small of your back. A huge blush covers your face and you squeak. You squirm away and quickly sit up, startling him.

"What's wrong? Why are you sitting up?" Jeongyeon asks. "Um, i-it hurt when he grabbed me." You stutter, and inhaling deeply. 

"Okay then..." Yoongi mutters.


Rain falls on your face as you look up at the window of your house outside. You climb into Yoongi's car and close the door. As the car drives away, 

there stands Taehyung inside looking at the car that was speeding away.


Entity// Kim TaehyungWhere stories live. Discover now