Chapter Fourteen: Little Over A Mile

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"Nothing happened!" I lied for the thousandth time.

"Girl, it's been twenty minutes and you're still blushing!" Maggie smiled.

"Am not!" I defended, putting my hands on my cheeks. "Why did Sheriff even come after me?" I asked. How did he know?

"As soon as you left he freaked out on everyone," Rosita said making wild hand gestures.

"Kept saying that you couldn't be left alone. That you'd get hurt." I was hurt. "That he needed to find you or a walker would get you," Tara told me.

Michonne nodded from the drivers seat, "He thought you would get lost."

"I can take care of myself." Michonne gave me a look of disbelief. You need him, you know you do. You can't deny it anymore.

"You think?" Sasha said. I nodded, still out of it, she took this as a chance to ask me what they all wanted to know, "So what happened?"

"We kissed," I answered, not hesitating or thinking. "No - I mean, we didn't! Oh my God!" I sat back in my seat and slammed my head against the headrest three times. The windows were down in our car and I guess in the red minivan too because all you could hear was shouting... and cheering... and screaming... and clapping coming from the guys car, thirty feet in front of us. Plus, an extremely loud: Shut up!

"Those boys," Maggie playfully glared.

"Always so loud!" Rosita laughed.

"You know what they're doing right?" We all knew, but Tara just had to point it out didn't she? "They're congratulating Carl!" She laughed then they all joined in. They devilishly looked at each other and started yelling and screaming even louder than the men did.

"SHUT! UP!" I screeched. They giggled so much that it became contagious. The six of us laughed so hard that the car started swerving. Michonne hit the brakes so we wouldn't crash and we all sobered up . Then she started the car slow again.

"Jesus," Rosita breathed.

"I know right," Sasha agreed. Then we listened to music and tried to sleep.

I took another step in the field. My bow was drawn and ready to shoot. Where am I? The grass was wild so it reached my knees. There were also wild daises growing in the field. It must have been two acres of free land before the forest surrounded the whole area. The sun was beating down but it wasn't all that hot. I was wearing combat boots, but also a white high-low dress. I usually hated high-low dresses because they were so girly, but this one was surprisingly cute.

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