In Your Arms

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"It's creepy to stare at someone while they're sleeping, Klaus," Caroline giggled without opening her eyes.

She heard a faint chuckle and then soft kisses on her eyes, urging her to open them. "Ah darling, I see you've been improving on your skills while I have been away."

She opened her eyes to reveal Klaus' handsome above her own, his hand slowly tracing her face.

"Morning, love," he whispered.

"Morning," she whispered back right before his lips descended on hers.

She moaned slightly when his hands grazed her hips, slowly moving towards her back. Still kissing her, he suddenly lifted her up, holding her close to him and kissing her deeply.

His hand stopped its caresses once it hit the scar.

"May I...?" Klaus whispered softly, looking into her eyes and rubbed his thumb over her scar.

She nodded dumbly, her gaze foggy with his kisses.

She raised her arms when he started to lift up her shirt. She blushed looking at her plain cotton bra, but Klaus hardly seemed to notice as he turned her over so he was facing her backside.

"Is it bad?" Caroline asked nervously. She had barely thought about looking at the scar yesterday night, only caring that it didn't harm her.

She gasped when she felt him put his heated lips to her bare back. His arms wrapped securely around her, trying to sooth her fear.

"No, sweetheart. I think it looks magnificent, like a mark of your survival and bravery. No other vampire can hold such a scar but you, and I am honored that she is mine...well almost mine..."

She heard the meaning in his words, her insides suddenly heating up. His hands went up to hold her breasts for a millisecond before he drew away from her. She breathed out in a mixture of annoyance and relief.

"Klaus, don't tease me like that!"

He chuckled and put a finger to his lips. "I would be much more of a tease if we didn't have others in the room..." his gaze drifted over to Rebekah and Bonnie, who were still sleeping soundly.

She looked back at Klaus, taking in his abs, his tight chest. She winced softly as more heat went down into her lower belly.

Klaus misunderstood her shudder and took her into his arms. "Honestly, Caroline, how are you feeling? I'm sorry if I came to you too soon after all you've been through. I will go if you like. I just could not stand to be away from you any longer."

Caroline laughed softly, not wanting to wake up the others. "No, I'm fine. It's just...this..."

Then, looking deeply into his eyes, she took his hand and led it down from her chest onto her stomach. His eyes widened as she finally rested his hand on her womanhood, letting him feel her heat and wetness.

"I love you," she whispered, leaning her head on his chest. God, if only she could stop time right now she would. Just him and her in this moment.

He groaned and with great strength took away his hand, placing it on her chin to lift her face to his.

"And I love you, Caroline Forbes," he kissed her before drawing her back into his chest for a hug.

"I promise soon. I promise that soon I will have you and you will have me. But I know we must first figure out what will happen today and what the others wish to do."

"Will it hurt? When we mark each other, will it hurt?"

He held her tighter. "I've never done it, angel. But after what you have gone through, I believe you could only feel pleasure."

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