Dates and Pranks

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Tyler Lockwood stood across the room, one hand gripping a table and the other holding onto the bottle of wine. He stood facing the one man he hated more than anyone, the man who had ruined his life, his town, and had stolen his one true love.

The apology was sincere, but after Caroline's speech, his heart couldn't handle it. Caroline had chosen this...this monster of him. The man who had destroyed her friends' lives...and her own. And then the man himself just had to appear on his doorstep the same day, as if he needed the pain to be shot right back in his face.

"Come to gloat?"

Klaus remained silent, simply staring at the broken boy in front of him.

"Come to taunt me and laugh at me? Come for my congratulations? Well, congratulations bastard for stealing Caroline away from me. The only girl I've ever loved and adored. Congratulations."

Klaus tilted his head in what looked like pity. The boy before him was distraught, tears were running down his face and his body sagged brokenly against the doorframe. The urge to help him never appeared once, besides he was only here to apologize.

"I'm sorry, Tyler."

Tyler's head shot up. "Excuse me."

"I'm sorry. I never once thought of you or of your pain. It was never a competition to me...winning Caroline. I simply wanted her to choose me. And she did."

Tyler growled, throwing his body away from Klaus and walking back into the house. Not hearing Klaus following him, he turned to find Klaus still standing outside the door.

"You've already been invited in..." Tyler said irritably before continuing into the house.

Klaus raised his eyebrows in surprise, but stepped over the frame and followed the younger hybrid. Tyler led him into the living room, which he slightly remembered from the ridiculous Homecoming party.

"So what'd you do to her?" Tyler asked sitting down on a couch. He gazed down at the rug in silent anger.

"If you mean compulsion or threats, I assure you no such method was made towards Caroline. I was just...persistent."

"Course you were."

Silence filled up the room. Klaus made a move towards the door. He had come and apologized...he had done what he had come to do.

"She loves you. I don't know why or how, but she loves you."

Klaus paused.

"She made it very clear to me that she meant to stay with you forever. Ever after everything I've done for her, it's seems that you have done even more."

"I love her, Tyler. I went to hell and back for her." There was a good many other things Klaus wished to say to him, but he kept his mouth shut.

"I know...take care of her okay? Just promise me she'll always be safe."

Klaus took a few more steps to the door, then turned. "I would die for her, Tyler."

Caroline was half way through the movie with Kol when she heard Klaus enter the mansion. She immediately was up and racing towards the door.

"Wait! You're going to miss the best part!" she heard Kol shout out in dismay.

When she entered the lobby, she stopped in surprise. Klaus stood leaning against the doorframe, his eyes closed and his breathing shallow.

"Hello, sweetheart," he murmured, hearing her breathing from across the room.

She made her way slowly to him until she stood directly in front of him. Raising a hand to his cheek, she lightly kissed his lips, causing him to open his eyes.

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