So Beautiful

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If it was possible, their penthouse in Paris was much larger than Caroline's in London.

Her mouth dropped seeing the entirety of the place.

"Only the best for you, love," Klaus said simply, throwing his belongings on the smaller of the two beds.

She had just managed to stop gaping when Klaus turned with a rather sly smile on his face.

"Unpack your things, Caroline, we will need to hurry if we are going to make it to the top of the Eiffel Tower before sunrise!"

"I'm not going to hurry up at 4 in the morn...wait WHAT?"

"Klaus, this is ridiculous! Why can't we just go shopping or eat croissants along the river like normal tourists?" Caroline pouted as Klaus finally paused at the base of the tall structure after practically dragging the baby vampire away from the hotel.

"There is no way I'm going up there..."

Klaus could sense her fear through her childish pout.

Cupping her face, he said, "Caroline, I promise you we will do whatever you wish the rest of this trip. Please allow me this one time to show you something beautiful of Paris. I won't let you get hurt on your way up, I promise."

"I'm not scared!" Caroline scoffed before marching over to the tower and beginning to climb, before pathetically falling into Klaus' arms.

"Well clearly that is not an option for you, love," Klaus smirked as he gently placed Caroline back on her feet.

He then walked over to the tower and placed his hands on the tower.

"Climb on, sweetheart,"

Caroline stared. Did he not just say she couldn't climb?

"What are you talking about?"

"My back, Caroline. Climb on my back. We will get up much quicker if I just climb."

"Are you kidding me? How could you possibly get both me and yourself up there in one piece?"

Klaus turned with an amused look.

"Sweetheart, I think you have forgotten that I'm a hybrid. I am perfectly capable of carrying you up the Eiffel Tower. Do you not trust me?"

Caroline walked over, putting her arms around his neck. "Let's just get this over with."

Klaus chuckled as he began to climb. He heard her gasp as they easily left the ground. She weighed hardly anything. Her legs wrapped around his torso as they ascended higher. Her breathing came out in quicker gasps.

"Caroline, are you alright?"

He turned slightly to see Caroline crush her face into his neck, her eyes squeezed tight.

"No! I'm freaking terrified! Just don't let me drop!"

A sense of protectiveness passed over Klaus just then. Her he was, carrying Caroline up the Eiffel Tower, her entire body wrapped around him, putting all her trust him to carry her and keep her safe. She could have easily left him right there at the bottom. But she chose to remain with him. She chose to take another chance with him.

He gave her a loving kiss in her hair. It was so light he supposed she hadn't felt it.

"Almost there, Caroline."

Klaus finally found his favorite ledge in the tower. He remembered coming up here every morning when he stayed in Paris over the years, surveying the landscape. He suddenly realized that Caroline would be the first person he would show it to.

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