Chapter 1

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Authors Note:

If you have not read my story "Far Too Young To Die" then you might not fully get some of the stuff that happens in this book. Even though this is a prequel, I still highly suggest reading the first book. Obviously, I can't force you to do so, but if you don't, there are major spoilers in here for that book and I'm probably not going to end up fully explaining certain things because they have been explained in "Far Too Young To Die."

Chapter 1 (Patrick's POV)

I'm not trying to make you feel bad for me when I say this, but I was a mistake. I don't want your pity. It happens to a lot of couples. They get together, have sex, and accidentally get pregnant. The thing that's not normal about my parents accident, that being me, is that it's half demon.

My mother is the human in the relationship, while my father is the demon. I've always wondered what would have happened if they meant to have me. Maybe my father would have been more supportive of humans, or maybe my mother would have been more okay with demons. Either way I went, one side of me would be shunned.

Anyway, I should probably tell you the story now. It started with my very first memory. Demons mature differently than humans, so my mental and physical age would always be off when I was a child. Physically, I was six. Mentally, I was four.

"Where's Daddy?" I asked my mother as she prepared me some soup.

"He's at work," she told me as she placed the soup bowl in front of me.

I cross my arms and pout at her. "No he's not," I state. She's lying to me. How do I know you may ask? Apparently it's a demon thing to be able to tell that.

She sighs and sits in the kitchen chair next to me. "Patrick, I promise you that he will tell you when he thinks you're ready."

I did find out eventually where my father was that night. He claims he was protecting me from darkness, even though he would later be the trigger for my very first tantrum.

My mother always kept her promises. She was one of those genuine people who would kill you with politeness. "Now that I've promised you something," she said as she takes my hand in hers and squeezes it lovingly. "I need you to promise me something."

I nod my head, knowing that I can't break a promise, especially if it's to her. She never breaks hers, so I should return the favor.

"Promise me that no matter how much evil comes your way, you won't take anyone's life." She looks deeply into my eyes, letting me know that she's serious. "At some point, your father will introduce you to the world of your other half. When he does, there will be temptations for you to want to do bad things."

I knew I was half demon, but at this point nothing was really explained to me. Children's minds don't take in the supernatural world very well.

"I promise you, I won't take a life," I swear to her as I lift my pinky. She smiles and lifts hers as well so that we can pinky swear. Yes, I did childish things like that.

That promise was the very first one I ever made. It was also the first one I ever broke. In fact, I've broken it so many times I've lost count. I know what you're thinking. You're counting Elisa, Luke, that vampire I slew while saving Pete, and well, eventually myself. I've killed more before that though, way more.

About a year later is when I was told where my father was that night. Each month he would disappear for a night and come back in the morning all angry and depressed.

He called me to the living room. He seemed angry and stressed. "Take this," my father said as he shoved a glass box into my arms. "I'm not covering for you anymore."

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