Chapter 16

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Chapter 16 (Patrick POV)

I was doing the thing I was best at, scheming. I was plotting every scenario that could happen in my mind. My thoughts raced as I tried to figure out a way to escape. There was no way I was getting out of the chains that bound me, so I would have to wait until someone could undo them for me. Whoever freed me from my binds I planned to kill on the spot, that is if they were working for this business. I needed to strike fear into Mason's eyes somehow. Killing one of his high ranked workers would have to be good enough. My assumption was that only the elite employees of Mason's would be ordered to deal with me. He had to be smart enough to not send in some newcomer to unchain me.

The blood in my arms was gone from their upright position that they had been in for the past few days. I hadn't slept since I woke up from my unconscious state because sleeping while hanging by my wrists wasn't exactly an easy thing to do.

"Hey, kid," I said, trying to grab the boy's attention that was in the cell next to me. I couldn't quite remember his name so I took a guess. "Carmen, listen to me."

The boy lifted his head and turned towards me. "It's Cameron," he said. I couldn't tell if he was actually offended or not, but I really didn't care. I was still bad with names.

"I need you to help me out," I said, probably sounding like a creepy pedophile. "You're going to do something for me."

He timidly shook his head no. "My mommy said to not listen to strangers. She also said that it's impolite to demand favors."

I groaned in annoyance because children were always so stubborn. I hated stubborn people. When I looked around the room again nothing had changed other than a couple more cells were empty. Those demons were killed. Every other person in this room wouldn't respond to me when I'd get their attention. They'd just look at me like I was a bigger monster than themselves and stayed silent. The boy was the only one who would say a word to me.

"Cameron," I said a in a little nicer tone. "Please, help me. I need you to turn to smoke and get out of those cuffs so that you can free me. I'll then be able to take this place down."

He gave me a puzzled look. The young demon didn't know how to do anything, not even use his powers. Then again, I'm pretty sure all of us in the cells were injected with something to suppress certain demon abilities of ours.

"I didn't even know I was a demon until they took me," he said sadly. His youth gave him innocence that I was not in the mood to see. I turned my head away from the boy and continued to contemplate ways for my escape.

My thoughts were interrupted by a spontaneous fire in the corner of my cell. As expected, the flames died down to reveal a demon. At first I was confused by the means of his sudden presence, but I quickly put the pieces together and immediately became scared for my life. I don't know how I had forgotten.

"You missed your monthly hell visit yesterday," Brendon sneers. "That technically means I'm allowed to kill you."

I growled at him, sending the message that I wasn't in the mood. This was so embarrassing for me. We both already knew that he was superior to me because of his direct descendancy to the Devil and I knew he would go back to hell and gossip with all the other demons down there about my captivity.

"How about you unchain me, let me take this place down, then kill me?" I offered. "There are far too many demon opposers running around here."

Brendon pursed his lips and thought for a moment. As his finger tapped on his chin I grew more impatient. "I'm not supposed to interfere with this business stuff," Brendon said as he stepped closer to me. "But then again, I never follow rules." He pulled out of his pocket a small metal wire and began to pick the locks of the cuffs on my wrists.

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