Chapter11- magcon drama

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Elizabeths POV:

We were all at the hotel for magcon and I was about to go to me and Cameron's room until suddenly I felt someone grab my hand I thought it was Jack but I turned around to see taylor "Eli I really need to talk to you!" he said taking me to his hotel room once we got there I closed the door behind me "what's up?" I asked nervous "Eli... I still love you, I never stopped I know your dating Jack but when your with him and you kiss him or smile at him a little part of me dies knowing I let this go" he said holding my hand.

holy shit...

"Taylor I'm sorry but-"

I was cut off by Taylor's lips smashed against mine i wanted to pull away but the kiss was so passionate I found myself giving in yo the kiss "what the hell?!" I heard Jack enter the room I pulled away and slapped taylor. "you fucking ass hole!" Jack yelled about to connect his fist in Taylor's face.

I grabbed jacks fist stopping him "what the fuck Elizabeth I trusted you!" he yelled at me "Taylor kissed me and I was gunna pull away but-" "but what?" Jack cut me off still mad i didn't say anything "that's what I thought... Eli were done" he said storming out the room. I fell to my knees and started crying I was heart broken.

"Eli I'm so sorry" Taylor said hugging me in a comforting "Taylor please just leave me alone" I said gently pushing him off going to me and Cameron's room.




I walked to Jack and Taylor's room to work things out with Jack

"Hey Ja-" I stopped in my tracks he was making out with Tiffany my heart just broke a little more he broke away from her and looked at me. "never mind!" I said running back to my room I cried in my pillow for like an hour (not joking she's that upset)

"Hey!-....Eli what's wrong" I heard Nash walk in the room

Nash's POV:

"nothing I'm fine" she said barely audible for me to hear "come here" I said sitting next to her pulling her in for a hug she started crying again and hugged me I held her in my arms as she cried in my chest.

"Eli what's wrong?" I asked again "let's just say me and Jack are threw" she said looking up at me "well darling he's not worth crying over" I said in a country accent making her laugh "there's that smile" I said wiping the tears off her face I kissed her forehead and rubbed her back making her fall asleep in my arms.

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