Chapter19- mistletoe

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(Haven't updated in a while I'm sorry here's a short chapter)
4 weeks later
Eli's POV:
Cameron was decorating the house with garland and lights while I on the other hand was decorating the Christmas tree.

"So sis I heard you and Nash broke up a couple weeks ago" Cam said trying to start conversations.

"Yeah Jessie talked to him and they got back together" I said kinda hurt.

"Well all the guys are coming over...if that's ok with you?" He said unsure.

"Ya it's fine" I said picking up the last ornament and placing it on the tree.
All the guys were downstairs and I was up in my room curled up on my bed I hugged my knees against my chest. I don't know why but tears were falling down my cheek.

I'm never good enough. I never will be. Jack has constantly cheated on me and broke my heart. But I still want him back.
I miss his angelic voice singing me to sleep at Magcon.

I wasn't even good enough for Nash. He went after Jessica right when he had the chance. I'm so tiered of being alone the guys are my "friends" and I don't have any friends that are girls because they always use me to get Cameron. I don't have a normal life.

"Elizabeth!" Cameron yelled from downstairs.

"Yeah?" I said as I reached the last step.

"You forgot to put up the star" he pouted.

"Sorry?" I said confused.

I picked up the stay and noticed why I didn't put it on the tree.

"I'm too short" I frowned.

"I got you" Jack G. smiled.

Suddenly I felt his hands on my waist lifting me up. I placed the star on the tree and he put me down.

"Thanks" I mumbled walking away not making eye contact with anyone.

I shut my door behind me and crashed on my bed. I pulled out my phone to see spams of hate on my Twitter feed.

"Ellis a whore"

"You look like a 13 year old"

"Why did Jack even date you"

"Your voice SUCKS DICK!"

I tried looking for positive comments but failed.

"Hey" Jack said walking in the room.

"Hey" I said as he sat down on my bed.

"What's wrong?" His smile quickly faded.

"Nothing...what did you want" I said trying to change the subject.

"I wanted to kiss you" he lightly chuckled holding up a mistletoe.

I smiled and gave him a peck on the lips.

"I didn't mean that kind of kiss..." he smirked.

Cameron Dallas's sister (a jack Gilinsky fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now