5 | Decisions, decisions plus a sudden revelation

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Decisions, decisions, plus a sudden revelation.

Finally manned up and made the decision by yourself. All for the sake of moving on!


You were staring blankly at the plain wall of your dark cold room. *Unfeeling*.

You were numb all over. It was hard to move. Hard to even breathe and you almost want to just stop breathing to end all of this.

Just what did you do to deserve this kind of pain?

You just literally lost everything in a short span of two fucking days.

With great effort, you raised your right hand to feel on your chest where your heart was supposed to be in. It seemed like there is now a hollow space there instead of the the beating instrument. Despite the soft feel of your shirt and the layer of your skin, you felt that there is nothing there. You felt like your life is now nothing. You feel nothing, you see nothing, you hear nothing.

The consecutive knocks on your door and the desperate calls of Shouto went unheard and totally ignored. He knows you're suffering. And he wants to be there with you to comfort you and listen. How ironic. Just yesterday and earlier that day, he has been the reason for your tears and pain.

Now, its him and the parents that you will surely never see again. Forever.

Just how can you set yourself free from all these pain and defeat? Is there even a way out? Yap there's one.

Man up and decide.


The next morning, after the not so peaceful sleep that you had— if you even can call it sleep seeing as you only got to close your eyes for a short 2 hours before waking up again and having another round of breakdown— you took a bath, clothe yourself and silently went out of the dormitory to the principal's office.

It's still too early in the morning so you didn't expect to see your overly stressed adviser Aizawa in front of his table doing teacher work. It would have made you laugh and joke if you were only in your usual self but you really didn't have the energy to even greet him.

You went directly to the rat man and called for his attention.

"Principal Nezu." Called your tired voice to which he turned and smiled at you. Sadly.

"Ln-san, good morning. And... condolences for you. It is regretful and and really sad to know about your parents. They are well known to be great heroes. It is unfortunate to have their lives taken in a really unexpected way." He said.

You just smiled back at him weakly. "I know. And thank you. But I am here for another reason." You took a deep breath before stating. "I have already decided on what I have to do, principal."

He nodded already expecting what you are about to say to him.

"I will respect every decisions that you make Ln-san. I will do so, because I also have my greatest respect to you parents."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2019 ⏰

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