Twenty Two

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It was an hour later, and Y/n had just got the pizza and put it on the coffee table when she heard the front door being pushed open. Not even a second later, she looked up to see Lauren walk in, expecting to see her arms full of bags, instead her arms were empty as her face came to form that of confusion.

"I thought you were getting something from the mall...?" Y/n asked confused with a tilt of the head, wrapping the blanket she had around her tighter. Negative thoughts rushing through her head. But she pushed them back as best as she could though.

Lauren chuckled, shaking her head, plopping down next to Y/n on the couch. "I did. You'll get it later though. What kind did you order?" Lauren asked, motioning to the pizza.

"Cheese, of course." Y/n replied happily. "With extra cheese. I wish I had some french dressing to go on it though.." she spoke, "but this will do."

"You and French dressing..." Lauren said quietly with a laugh. "Lets eat, huh?" Y/n nodded, and handed Lauren one of the coke cans she had got. And so the two began to dig into the pizza, as they looked onto the television at a random show that was currently playing.

As the pizza neared its end, Lauren was noticibly growing more and more nervous in her seat, fidgeting with her fingers, her eyes spreading across the room. But she knew she wanted to do this, she had to. As the pizza for erased, Lauren glanced ivwr to Y/n beside her, who was laying on her back, her legs spread across Lauren's lap and under the blanket. "You can do this, Lauren..." she said to herself.

"Did you say something?" y/n asked, leaning up a bit.

"Y/n? I, uh, just, can I ask you something?" Lauren spoke nervously, reaching into her pocket, and gripping the item.

Y/n gulped, slowly nodding her head. "O-okay.." she spoke.

Lauren took a deep breath in, pulling out the item within. As she held it out towards Y/n, unclasping her hands to reveal a teal colored ring and necklace. "I, look, I know i haven't been the beat girlfriend in the past, I messed up. I made mistakes. I regret everything that I did back then, especially cheating on the best thing I ever had. And I lost it." she began, with a deep breath in, "I hate that I did that, but, I can do better. I will do better. If you give me a chance to try to, again. I know you've given me so many before. But, please, just one more chance? Please? To make you happy?" Lauren finished, looking hopefully to the girl below her.

Silence was in the air for what felt like an eternity, as Y/n then began to open her mouth to speak.

Silence came out.

She didn't know what to say.

The next thing to be known, she leaned forward, capturing Lauren's lips with her own in a kiss.

As the silence of the actions came to be known as a "yes" clearly, for the action was loud.

Y/n just hoped she would not come to regret this decision at a later time though.


A/n: Happy? (:

It is 02:00 and I am gonna try to not sleep tonight. :D

Probably just be up listening to music, setting up this playlist, and maybe another update later on before I sleep..

might go to my thoughts. I need to focus on something.

Music distracts me. Distracts my thoughts.

Currently playing? Pussy Is God by King Princess

Messin' With My Head (Lauren/You)Where stories live. Discover now