Past Life

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(Delirious's P.O.V)

I laughed uncontrollably as CaRtOoNz got himself stuck in a trap. "Oooh~. Did someone fall into my trap?", I called in a sing song voice while CaRtOoNz started screaming. I grinned then gripped my axe tighter as I walked slowly towards him. "NO DELIRIOUS!", he yelled putting one of his hands up defensively while grabbing his bleeding foot with the other. "Shouldn't have walked into my forest eh?", I smiled swinging my axe up in the air above his head. "D-Delirious? N-No NO! AAH-", he yelled but was silenced as I swung it down on his head hard. "Goodbye Toonzy!", I chuckled darkly. "AUGH YOU BITCH!", he yelled throwing his headset in the corner of the room. I laughed and face palmed myself as he slammed his xbox controller on the ground. "I'm not buying you another one!", I said pointing at the broken controller. "I hate this game....", he mumbled walking back over in front of the TV sitting next to me.  "Aw well the game hates you." I smiled turning back to my favorite game named Dead by Daylight. He quietly cursed under his breath while I rolled my eyes.

 "Boys dinner's ready!", my mother called out from downstairs. "Sweet!", CaRtOoNz smiled putting his hand on my face to push himself up. "Ow!", I laughed as I fell back on the floor. "Race you there bitch!", he grinned flashing his shining, white fangs. "Hey! No fair!", I called out running after him as he hopped down the stairs skipping steps occasionally. "Move out of the way!", I yelled slamming into him as he stopped abruptly. "What are you staring at? OH! H-Hey father!", I chuckled nevourly as my eyes landed on the burly man sitting at the table covered in sweat and blood. "Hey son!", he grinned throwing his chipped base ball bat across the room. "You said he was going to be at Crystal Lake...", CaRtOoNz whispered in my ear. "Y-Yeah... he should be.", I whispered back slowly walking down the rest of the steps while CaRtOoNz trailed close behind. "Ah Luke! What a wonderful surprise to see you!", my father said beaming as his eyes landed on CaRtOoNz. "H-Hey Mr. Voorhees!", CaRtOoNz smiled waving. He immediately put on a calm expression as we walked towards the table then sat down. "So, how's school?", my father asked mainly to CaRtOoNz. "Uh...well sir it's the summer time!", he responded pulling his red hoodie down further on his body nervously. CaRtOoNz was probably the only best friend I had. He has actually seen my face and he surprisingly came over to my house again after finding out that Jason was my dad. "Explains the mask!", he had said when I told him. He didn't really seem bothered by it like all my past friends. I think it was because his father was Satan. "Oh yes! I had forgotten!", my father laughed leaning forward in his chair. "S-So father, why aren't you at Camp Crystal? Aren't you supposed to be there for the whole summer?", I asked nodding my head to my mother who just put down plates of hot spaghetti in front of CaRtOoNz and I. "Well I wanted to spend time with my family and get to know your dear friend that you have been talking about!", he chuckled throwing his hand in CaRtOoNz's way. "O-Oh! You mean CaRtOoNz?", I asked looking at the red demon next to me. "Of course! And might I ask, why is your name CaRtOoNz when it's actually Luke?", my father asked gently putting his elbows on the table while looking directly at CaRtOoNz. "I-I uh...W-well funny story! Uh...", CaRtOoNz shuddered scratching his neck while looking down. "It's a touchy subject.", I replied placing a hand on my friend's shoulder while he looked away obviously not wanting to tell why he purposely changed his name. "Oh is that so?", my father asked. "Well I'm intrigued by now! Please, tell me.", he grinned leaning forward. I felt CaRtOoNz shrink a bit under his stare and glance at me desperately. "I j-just didn't like the name.", he mumbled shifting uncomfortably. "You're lying.", my father sighed out of boredom spinning his fork in his dinner. "Well... it's the name my father gave me.... and I don't like him.", CaRtOoNz said clearing his voice getting annoyed from my father's pushy attitude. "CaRtOoNz...calm down.", I mumbled to him as he sat up straighter in his chair. CaRtOoNz is one who will probably choke you out if you ask about his past life. "Why don't like him?", my father asked. "BECAUSE HE WAS ABUSIVE GOD DAMMIT!", CaRtOoNz yelled slamming his fist on the table. "DUDE!", I yelled as he stood up pushing the chair back then stomping off towards the front doorway. "Thanks for dinner Mrs. Voorhees but I should get going now.", he red demon mumbled latching his hand to the door knob then turning it swiftly immediately closing it behind him walking out of the house. "FATHER!", I yelled outraged that he made CaRtOoNz my one best friend leave. "What? I was only asking.", he shrugged while biting on a forkful of pasta he had eaten. My mother sighed and sat down calmly while grabbing her fork to eat. "I SAID IT WAS A TOUCHY SUBJECT! WHY DIDN'T YOU LEAVE HIM ALONE?", I questioned walking over to the door. "Where are you going?", he asked. "To apologize to my best friend for you being such a twat!", I yelled back before slamming the door then running off in the direction of the young demon.

"Hey Delirious.", CaRtOoNz mumbled sitting on a log deep in the forest as I jogged up behind him. "Hey man, sorry about my dad.", I sighed sitting down calmly next to him. "N-No it's alright he was just interested.", he sniffed wiping his eyes with his sleeves. I sighed and pulled him into a hug as he started sobbing. "You d-don't understand......h-he hurt me so much!", he cried burying his face into his hands. "You aren't talking about my father are you?", I asked looking down. He shook his head softly while kicking the dirt beneath his foot. "Everyday Delirious.....everyday he would punch me, kick me, slap me, a-and.....and do things.....", he whispered falling into my arms sniffing. "I'm so sorry you had to go through that Toonz.....I really truly am.", I whispered softly trying to comfort him. "I want to go home now.", he whimpered sinking into my soft blue hoodie. "We can hang out there yeah?", I asked smiling. He sighed and nodded happily while I stood up reaching out my hand. He smiled then grabbed it huffing as I pulled him up from sitting position.

"Thanks Delirious...", he mumbled as we walked over the hard grass and sticks side by side. I looked down and realized that CaRtOoNz and I were still holding hands. I blushed slightly a little relieved that I was wearing a mask. I glanced at CaRtOoNz hoping I could see his reaction but it was pretty difficult since his skin color was red. I sighed a bit and looked down at our joined hands. 'We're just friends....this doesn't mean anything.', I thought mentally sighing as some part of me in reality really longed this. "We're here!", CaRtOoNz called snapping me from my deep thoughts. "Alright let's play!", I laughed as he grabbed his key out of his back pocket. He smiled then gently squeezed my hand while unlocking the door then pulling me inside. "You never let go.", he purred holding our joined hands up in the air while pushing me against the wall. "C-C-CaRtOoNz?", I questioned stuttering as he stepped closer to me grinning. He leaned in to where our lips were just inches apart. He grinned then let go of my hand laughing as he walked backwards away from me. "T-That's not f-funny!", I argued blushing madly while covering my mask with my hands. He chuckled then said, "You know that your mask was on right?". I froze dumbfounded. "Y-Yeah I knew that....", I mumbled looking down as a small smile tugged on my lips. He grinned then ruffled my hair. "C'mon let's play Six Siege.", he said walking towards his room. Lucky for us, CaRtOoNz lived alone since his father was well Satan and his mother was a human who died giving birth to him so he lived alone in a pretty nice house a couple blocks away from mine. "Hurry up slow poke!", he laughed as he sprinted to his room. I rolled my eyes and followed him into his room.

Hello everyone! My name is Ember and I love to write stories! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and if you did *inhales* THEN BEAT UP THE VOTE BUTTON AT THE TOP OF THEN SCREEN THEN PROBABLY GIVE IT A HUG AFTERWARDS BECAUSE IT PROBABLY DIDN'T ENJOY BEING BEATEN UP BUT ANYWAY! Thank you guys so much and I will see all you amazing people later. Bye byez! :3

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