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(Delirious's P.O.V)

"Are you bitches ready?", CaRtOoNz asked grinning while slinging his backpack strap over his shoulder. "Hell yes!", Ohm smiled throwing his fist in the air. "Let's go!", I responded pulling my blue hoodie over my head. 

"Alright here are the rules.", CaRtOoNz chuckled pulling up to the large brick building while I stuck my head out the window whistling at some students jokingly. "Don't be afraid to be the dumbest, make sure to piss of the teachers, complete your work, and have some bad-ass fun.", CaRtOoNz added smirking as he parked the car. "Alright!", Ohm grinned from the backseat bouncing up and down in excitement. I unlocked the doors then stepped out inhaling the fresh air. "Welcome to college fuckers!", CaRtOoNz huffed throwing his arms open wide whilst looking up at the tall school looming in front of us. "Get ready for US you sons of bitches!", Ohm laughed as we walked towards the main entrance. I grinned walking confidently to the entrance as girls and some boys eyed us hungrily smirking. "Hey there cuti-". "Not interested bitch.", CaRtOoNz grinned flipping off a guy who had strode over flirtatiously to us. The boy frowned then rolled his eyes turning around. Ohm and I both chuckled as CaRtOoNz laughed throwing the doors open. "See you boys second period!", Ohm waved to us pulling his grey bandana higher over his mouth. "Bye Ohm! Bye Delirious!", CaRtOoNz responded waving to both of us as he walked down a separate hallway. "Bye bye!", I mumbled loud enough for Toonz to hear me. He looked back over his shoulder and nodded walking proudly towards his class. I turned then pushed the wooden door open wide letting everyone know that I was here. "Hello! My name is Mrs. Royal.", a lady in a blue shirt with black slacks and a grey sweater smiled holding out her hand. "Delirious.", I responded shaking her hand. "Delirious? Unique!", she smiled nodding. "Real name is classified.", I replied jokingly. She laughed then said, "You can sit where ever you would like Delirious.". "Thanks!", I smiled walking over to an open seat next to a guy with light brown hair that was messily combed into a messy mohawk. He smiled brightly turning his dark brown eyes to me. "Hi! My name is Brock!", he grinned holding out his hand. "I'm Delirious.", I smiled back gripping his hand lightly. "And I'm Brian.", a confident Irish voice responded from behind him. I turned to see a man grinning sheepishly whilst putting a hand on his chest like he was a popstar being complimented. Brock laughed and said, "Yep that's Brian, AKA Arnold Schwraznegger.". "Hi how are you?", Brian said in the best Arnold voice I had ever heard. I burst out laughing. "Holy shit dude that's talent!", I grinned. He smiled then sat back down in his seat on the other side of Brock. "And make sure to not make him mad because he can get pretty salty.", Brock whispered to me. "Hey! That is not true!", Brian complained jerking Brock's shoulder back to look at me. "Oh and also, nice mask!", Brian added nodding to my white and red mask. "Thanks!". I smiled. 'I like this class.', I thought sitting back in my seat.

(CaRtOoNz's P.O.V)

"What up, name's CaRtOoNz and to be honest I don't give a fuck what y'all think about me!", I grinned stepping up from my seat after the teacher had pointed to me asking for me to introduce myself. Some people snickered while other laughed and rolled their eyes. "Alright thanks for that introduction CaRtOoNz!", my professor Mr. Cortez chuckled shaking his head. "Hope you're not a trouble maker.", he mumbled sighing. "Sorry sir but I can't confirm anything.", I shrugged making the students around me chuckle. "You're gonna get yourself killed you focking idiot!", the black haired man whispered to me poking my shoulder. "Shhh, don't jinx it Nogla!", I whispered back laughing slightly at his heavy Irish accent. He sighed and sat back in his seat rolling his eyes. "You're one crazy motherfucker.", he mumbled shaking is head. I grinned and sat back in my seat resting my shoes on top of my desk. 'I like this fucking class.', I thought leaning back.

(Ohm's P.O.V)

"Hi, I'm Bryce!", a blonde haired boy haired perked up as I sat down slowly. "Hey, I'm Ohm.", I responded nodding to cheerful man beside me. "Don't worry dude, you're going to love Mrs. Cavazos! She's super nice!", he grinned at me with a smile that could light up anyone's day. "Good to know.", I sighed relaxing a little still being tense since this was all new. "Oh and this is Marcel.", he smiled waving his hand to a light brown-eyed man who grinned at me wearing a Finn hoodie from Adventure Time. "Hey man!", he chuckled fist bumping me. "Hey dickheads- OH I mean...."friends"!", a guy laughed making quotation marks with his finger while walking towards us wearing a white helmet with a white shirt reading I AM WILDCAT. "Hey WildCat! Meet Ohm!", Bryce smiled throwing a hand on my shoulder. "Hey.", I mumbled to the tall man who stood over me. "Hey dude, I'm WildCat.", he grinned throwing himself in the seat next to me. "Nice to meet you!", I grinned getting more and more comfortable with the people around me. 'I think I like this class.', I thought happily sighing.

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