Oh no

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Peggy sat in her home occupied by a doctor and a maid, John was working, it had been 2 months since that day she was first sick, this had led to her being suspicious, she and John had slept together out of wedlock a few times but, what could she say, she couldn't help herself. The doctor after completed the tests that they assessed on Peggy smiled as he put his note book down "Miss Schuyler, I think you're pregnant"he said causing Peggy's eyes to widen "oh my"she mumbled covering her mouth "oh no no no!"she exclaimed rather shocked at what was happening "John will not be pleased"she mumbled "thank you for your service"she said going to the unit and picking up some money "here's your payment, thank you for coming"Peggy said rushing him out the door before slamming it shut "oh mary Mary Mary"she said softly to there house maid "what am I going to do, me and John are not married father, god father will murder me!"she exclaimed hugging Mary "we cannot tell John anything about this!"she exclaimed "tell John anything about what?"he asked as he walked in the door, Peggy's blood went cold, god she felt like she was about to pass out "I-uh-eh-ummm nothing!"she exclaimed as She fidgeted with her dress nervously "Peggy I know when you're lying"he said walking to Peggy as he put his bag down "John I'm so so sorry this is all my fault"she whispered tears starting to come "Peggy Cmon, tell me love"he whispered as Peggy took his hand leading it to a small bump on her stomach "oh"John said before smiling "are you Joking?"he asked quickly smiling brightly "No why would I be joking?"she said confused "yes yes yes yes yes!"she exclaimed happily as he scooped the girl up into his arms, spinning her around "yes!"he mumbled "our little family!"she whisper shouted "John, we aren't married"she mumbled "this will be a baby out of wedlock"she said sadly as she hugged onto John "shoot-"he mumbled "you're right"

YO YO YO- y'all should follow my Instagram, I'm changing its name to beth._crb which stands for Cole Robert Brock (Colby Brock) my favourite youtuber so slide over there kids ⭐️

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