New School

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I finally arrived at school feeling super nervous but also a little relieved with Elise by my side. She explained to me the basic things that I needed to know such as where the boy's bathroom was,where the principal's office was at, the student council room, where the cafeteria was and where the information board was and where it informed you of upcoming news and scores of tests and all that.

Elise told me that she would give me a tour later on if I wanted and gave me her phone number just in case. I also gave her mine.We started walking into the school where I noticed a lot of stares. I started getting a feeling of uneasiness and started to think that people might be judging my appearance. I started to feel a bunch of sweat beads coming down onto my back. I gave a deep sigh breathing in and out trying to calm myself and saying 'it's ok' but it wasn't working as well as I hoped.

Elise started to look at me strangely once again probably thinking 'what's wrong with you?' for awhile then started walking towards me. Unexpectedly she lifted her hand towards my face up to my forehead where she felt my forehead then compared it to hers.

"Well you aren't sick so are you nervous?" She asked me with her head tilted at me.

"Yeah. A lot of nervousness that's slowly building up right now and I can't seem to calm down at all." I said with a little heat building up a bit embarrassed

I suddenly heard giggling and turned to see that it belonged to Elise. "It's perfectly normal to be nervous on the first day. But don't worry about it I'm sure you will make friends soon and come to like the school better."

"Thanks, for saying that ahem....umm.. It really helped me and built up my confidence a bit. See ya later I guess." I said rubbing the back of my neck feeling a bit shy.

I took a big breath and took a step inside the building towards the principals office without Elise and swiftly opened the door when someone immediately said "Welcome to the school Aeron!!" With an excited smile on his face.

"Hello Mr.Principle.Thank you for letting me go to this beautiful school.I'm really grateful for everything you did for me in such a short time. And I think that you made a great decision to have this kind of scenery at a school because it really is beautif-"

He pulled me in for a tight hug. " You are one heck of a kid aren't ya? Just call me Jay no need for the formalities, since I've known your dad since what..25 years now? So yeah treat this school as if it's your new home because you are my new favorite student kay?

"Oh yeah how's your dad these days is he still a ladies man?" Jay asked me moving his eyebrows up and down

"...Yeah he still is he has women screaming his name and women who formed fan clubs for him. He's like a celebrity." I chuckled

He just laughed and started getting something out of his drawer.

"Here. It's a present for you. Open it when you get home okay?"

"Okay" I replied curious of what the present might be

"And here's your schedule and supplies you need for school.Okay see you around kid" he waved as I walked out of the office

'What a great day it's been so far' it thought until I realized I have to present myself to the class still.

Oh no. What do I do?! I'm starting to freak out like a total lunatic and start messing up my hair. I wanna make a good impression but I just have a really bad feeling it's not going to end that way. I start walking and cramming my head and going through what I practiced but I can't seem to remember what I did. My head was blank. Nada. Nothing. Zero capacity. It was a total desert inside of my brain. The area of thinking and speaking. So I start calming myself as usual.

I notice that in a few turns I'm going to go to my class soon. My passion is karate, dancing, singing, guitar, photography, drawing, sports. The usual. Wait, should I practice and show them(the class) my dance moves?

I start with a simple side step and then doing spins, then doing backflips and cartwheels. And for my last move a karate spin in mid air. I hear a sound. A clapping sound. I turn around and I see a girl. A pretty girl. A very pretty, beautiful girl around the same height as Elise. She had cute, round brown eyes and light-brownish wavy hair that seemed to flow naturally like a model. I realize something. Why is she clapping? I recall what I did about a minute ago with a kick and a spin and OH did it make my brain malfunction. I danced in the middle of a school hallway right in front of a pretty girl that I have no clue is and did something weird as a first impression.

I hear another clap but a louder clap. Almost as if it was right in front of my face. I blink. I blink two more times. I fell. I fell for the second time today. In fact two falls that made me look like a fool. She was so close to my face. She smelled nice too. I sound like a pervert right now don't I? I don't even know what's going on anymore. Honestly I don't really know anyone here besides maybe one person . Elise didn't really count. Hold on I'm going to stop digressing.

She was so close to my face. I heard a really cute giggle or laugh. Whatever it was, it was adorable. Man, what am I even saying? Are all girls at this school this pretty? Ok back to the real world. She held out a hand and I reached for it as she struggles to pull me up. She wasn't strong enough so we ended up falling together. Am I that heavy? She groans a bit and I say "Sorry, didn't mean to pull you down with me. Back on the ground."

The pretty girl says "It's fine I mean it was partly my fault was it not?"

"Hmm.. now that I think about it, yeah you're partly to blame." I reply

"This is kind of an awkward position." she says and I raise an eyebrow wondering what she was referring to
I look at her and then look at me.

I'm sitting up and she's holding my shoulders holding herself up.
"Oh! I'm sorry I'll get off of you!"

I try to get off and I bump her forehead remembering that she was on me not the other way.

I hear another groan and a laugh. I laugh too and groan in pain.

I asked if she was okay and she waved her hand at me covering her face. I think that meant she was okay.

She stares at me and pokes my forehead and says "You are a really big clumsy, fool you know that?" She says with a smile

"Yeah I know.Sometimes I forget to think it all through and KAPOOT I mess up somehow. " I say

"Well I don't think you are a total mess you are also really funny and nice. Also maybe a bit weird." she laughs again. She gets up and wipes off the dirt off herself and salutes.

"Gotta go. See you around Clumsy."

I just stare at her as she moves away and I give a slow awkward wave.

'I gotta go too' I thought realizing I have class. Completely forgetting what's to come.

To be continued.... in the next chapter

A/N: Hoped you liked it! Comment and vote for this chapter and this story

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