Chapter 3

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When they get to Lance's house Keith says "I dont like being called a dog and that really hurt" "Face it you got to hold my soft hand" Keith rolls his eyes then lays down on the couch and says "I'm taking a nap" "Oh no you aren't!!" Keith groans Lance says "Your gonna drink my potion!"

Flash Back

"Come on Keith stop being a baby" Keith drink the potion then falls to the floor "Oops guess it was wrong..." Lance picks up Keith and puts him in a coffin he for someone reason had

End of flash back

"Stay away from me with that potion!" "If you do it I'll give you a kiss" Keith blushes and says "B-But,Uh,R-Remember last time?" Lance rolls his eyes and says "Your my familiar do it now!" "Y-Yes master..." Keith gets up and grabs the potion then drinks a bit of it in a couple of minutes Keith starts feeling dizzy, "L-Lance I feel dizzy~" Lance puts his hand against Keith's forehead then says "You dont have a fever" Keith groans and leans against Lance "Oh! I think I know" Lance helps Keith sit down then grabs a book and says "Oh...Shit" "W-What" "I kinda messed up and made a...Lust potion" "What! What did you put in it?!" "A-A lust flower petal but thats only cause Coran said it was right!" Lance grabs his phone and calls someone then a bit later Coran appears "Hello" "Hey Coran,The lust flower you told me to put in my potion is uh affecting Keith" "Oh,Well to help yall gotta do the dirty" Lance blushes and Keith groans "I'll do whatever that means as long as someone turns on a air conditioner" Coran says "Well thats an effect it only stops after you finish doing the ya'know the deed" Lance glares at Coran then says "I cant do that,Is there any other way?" "Well if you dont Keith will be really horny so he might do something to you but other then that nope.

"I'm doing a reverse spell" "I thought you liked him though" "I do but he is my familiar I am not fucking my familiar" While Lance reads Coran studies Keith's condition then out of no where Keith moans Lance thinks "WHY KEITH WHY DO YOUR MOANS HAVE TO SOUND SO GOOD?! THIS IS REALLY TEMPTING!" Lance sighs then says "Coran go home" "Oki bye!" Then Coran leaves Lance walks over to Keith and Keith says "Are you gonna help...?" "I-In a way Y-Yes" Lance picks up Keith and carries him to his bedroom.

Oooo we know where this is going! The next chapter will be uh something
Welp Cheers Loves ✌❤💙

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