Chapter 12

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Keith and Lance just cuddled and watched movies together for the rest of the day, Until someone knocked on the door Lance sighs and gets up then goes to the door and answers it to see a person he's never seen “Um? Who are you?” “My name is Hunk. I'm a human but the principal said you missed a lot of days and if you don't come back to school you will be expelled.” Lance's eyes widen “Alright, I'll be there soon!” He closes the door then rushes to start packing “Are you ok babe?” Keith asks from the couch he had the movie paused “No! I'm gonna be expelled if I don't go back to school!” He says snapping and his spell book floats to him, Keith gets up then says “Let's just stay here.. You don't have to go to human school” Lance turns and says “Baby, You can stay here but I need to go they have stuff I can't get over here! If you stay here just be careful don't leave the house and call me if anything goes wrong.” Keith was surprised Lance was willing to leave him alone even after the Lotor incident.

“But Lotor?” “He was locked up sweetheart it's gonna be ok.” Lance kisses Keith then gets ready to go when Keith says “But I just got free from him..We haven't been able to be together...” Lance sighs then turn and caresses Keith's cheek “I'm sorry baby, I'll be back during spring break, Winter break and summer..” Keith whines as his ears lower ”Awe, Don't be sad baby. You can go to the castle and stay with Allura she won't let anything happen  to you.” Keith nods slowly then Lance kisses him and leaves.
At the castle
Keith sighs then says “A-Allura, Lance said I can stay with you until winter break..” She nods smiling sweetly “Of course dear, You can stay in his room” Keith nods then walks to Lance's room. When he goes inside he his hit with a strong smell of Lance, He whimpers now wanting Lance with him, He then grabs some of Lance's clothes and makes a nest like he would if he was in heat then he curls up into a ball and sleeps.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2020 ⏰

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