Chapter 4

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Lance sets Keith down on the bed and says "K-Keith are you sure you dont want me to use my magic instead?" "Will it take longer?" "Uh well I mean one way is long and weird...The other will also be long" "Just please hurry its so hot" Lance sighs then sucks up all the pride he has left and starts pulling Keith's clothes off then he climbs ontop of the bed next to Keith he starts jerking him off Keith starts moaning loudly then he mumbles "I-I'm close..." Lance jerks him off faster then Keith cums on Lance's hand "When will it get cooler?!" Lance groans and says "Why couldn't Coran be specific" Lance sighs then says "Get dressed and meet me in the living room" "Ok"...

Lance was in the living room reading when his familiar walks in with nothing but his boxers on "KEITH PUT ON CLOTHES! Not that I really have a problem with that..." Lance mumbles the last part Keith groans and says "It's so hot please dont make me" Lance sighs and says "Fine sit down and wait for me to finish" Keith does so and then Lance practically throws the book at Keith with excitement "Ok I found a way to do this but it involves something called a soul bond so basically we can talk through are minds and feel what the other feels" Keith nods frantically then Lance puts his hands on Keith's forhead and blue light eluminates (Is that even a word?? xD) from his hand then it dies out Keith sighs leaning onto Lance,Lance blushes and then hugs Keith while petting his red furry ears Keith purrs as he does so "Why do you pur if your a wolf?" Keith blushes then says something but its muffeled by Lance's chest and it tickles Lance making him chuckle.

Lance says "We should pack" "Why?" "Well I was accepted into a human school!" Keith's brows furrow "I dont like the idea of you in a school with humans who crave power" Lance starts laughing "OH MY GOD! YOUR SO ADORABLE!!" Keith pulls back from Lance's chest and says "I'm not adorable" "Yes you are!" Keith growls showing his sharp teeth Lance pinches his cheeks making Keith whimper "So cute!!" Keith grabs Lance's wrists and says "Dont pwinch me!" Lance starts fanboying as Keith stares at him in curiosity then he feels like someones trying to rip his heart out he puts a hand over it and says "Lance it hurts!!" Lance stops and grabs Keith's hand "Dont worry it was just the soul bond acting up to my over reaction" Lance looks at Keith and sees tears rolling down his cheek he wipes them away and Keith mumbles "I-It hurt like S-Someone was ripping my h-heart out of my c-chest" Lance sighs then says "Sorry but you might wanna get use to it" Lance was gonna confess to Keith right there and then "I-I dont wanna feel it a-again" Lance gives Keith a soft smile then says "Keith it shows love the reason you felt that is because-" "LANCE YOUR GOING NOW!" "OK ALLURA IM GOING YA FUCKING ASSHOLE I WAS ABOUT TO DO SOMETHING!!" "OH-OH OHHHHH CONTINUE!!" Lance clears his throat and says "As I was saying you felt that because I'm in lo-" "LANCE PAL WE WILL-" "SHUT THE FUCK UP IM TRYING TO TALK TO SOMEONE" Lance pinches the bridge of his nose "Keith I'm in love with you!" " L-Lance...I feel the same but I'm only a familiar" Lance cups Keith's cheeks and says "We'll keep it a secret! Okay?" Keith smiles and says "Okay" Lance passionately kisses Keith then Allura yells "LANCE,KEITH YALL BETTER BE DONE PACKING LETS HURRY SO WE CAN GO TO ARE DORMS AND ACTUALLY SLEEP-YEAH KAI IM LOOKING AT YOU!" Keith giggles then him and Lance grab their bags and leave with Allura.

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