half-clothed~day seven (smut)

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let's get right into it

plot: you and audrey are at one of brooke's parties, and you sneak off to dance together. things get heated so you sneak upstairs but you don't want to get caught

I didn't really feel like going out tonight, but Audrey said she wouldn't leave my side or make me socialize with other people. Brooke's parties are always a great time, but half the student body shows up and I can't stand crowds. Audrey's promised me a night of making fun of people and drinking and her arm wrapped around my waist. The rest of our friends will understand if we hide off by ourselves, anyways. 

So here I am, getting dressed up, waiting for Audrey to come pick me up. 

My doorbell rings around 9 pm and I grab my backpack and head downstairs. Audrey's leaning on the door frame and she has a pleading smile. 

"Do we still have to go," I say in a monotone voice.

"Hey, come on," she says coaxing me out the door, "you're going to survive this. It would be rude of us not to go."

I groan as Audrey drags me to her car. 

During the ride, Audrey lets me play my music and stare out the window instead of talking to her. We arrive at Brooke's and before we get out, Audrey looks at me. 

"Why don't you want to go, really?" she asks me softly. I sigh. 

"I would have much rather done something just the two of us tonight, that's all."

Audrey puts her hand on my thigh.

"(y/n), it will be just us tonight. I already told Brooke you're not in the mood to party and she's totally cool with it. She said we can hide in her room if you need a break at any point. I just want to say hi to Emma and get a few drinks."

I smile at her, and put my hand on hers, "I can do that. Thank you for putting up with me. I love you."

Audrey kisses me on the cheek, "I love you too."

We enter the party where Brooke and Emma are there to greet us. 

"It's so good to see you two!" Brooke wraps us up in a group hug. I give Emma a hug and she whispers, 

"I didn't feel like coming, either."

I laugh as Brooke pushes us playfully. 

"Sorry that I'm burdening you all with this," she says grumpily. We all try to console her until she starts laughing. 

"I'm gonna go get more to drink," Brooke says. 

"We'll come with," Audrey chimes in. I let Audrey lead me by the hand to the wine cellar. 

"Here you two," Brooke says, handing us a bottle, "take this and go somewhere. I have to go find Stavo."

Audrey takes it gratefully and we head outside to the patio. 

Despite the loud music and even louder teenagers, it's a nice night. The sky is clear enough to see the stars and there's a cool breeze in the air. Audrey and I cuddle up on a porch swing as Audrey pours me a glass of wine. 

"See? Not too bad," she says, clinking her glass against mine. 

"Nope, not at all. But that's just because Brooke gave us fancy wine," I say, refusing to give in just yet. 

"Hm, guess I'll have to try harder," Audrey says, playfully. She starts kissing my neck. 

"Babe! Someone's gonna see us!" I laugh, pushing her away from me. 

audrey jensen/bex taylor-klaus smut imagines Where stories live. Discover now