Chapter Three

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"Cragger?" She sounded relieved but, also angry. Cragger could feel her baby blue eyes stare into his dark amber eye. "Look. I know I've messed up." He spoke, his head low. "I don't know how, or even why I've done this to everyone, I-" Cragger stumbled at Eriz rushing to hug him. Crying into his chest, her sobs were light. "I'm sorry Eris I-I... this is my fault." Eris shook her head. "Laval and I knew what all happen. Lagravis told us everything."

   "About Crooler?" He tilt his head. Eris took a step back. "Yeah... it's technically not your fault." The bitter or anger was still in her voice. A loud crash shook the temple. The wolves howled loud. Echoing through, they both looked at each other. "Eris! We need to find a legend beast!" Cragger stumbled his words. Eris stared widley at the Croc, raising her brow. "You must of hit your skull hard." She joked. Cragger grabbed Eris hand. "No, listen to me. Follow, and you'll see." Cragger dragged her out of the mouth of the entrance. Cragger grunted from the smoke, he shoved Eris ahead of him. "Hurry!" He cried. He could hear her wings flap, but a low and cracking voice spoke. "Who's there?!" Cragger knew who that was: Lagravis. Oh hell, I'm dead!

Cragger coughed from the smoke. Once the smoke clear in the air, an elder lion stood, with two lion guards behind. His cold amber eyes tracked Cragger's shaking body. "Cragger!" Cragger gulped and shook his head. "I...I-I can explain Lagravis." He stuttered. Lagravis growled and walked towards the Croc. Cragger back up and notice Eris behind Longtooth. Her eyes shown fear and devastation. If he dies, then they can't find a legend beast. I'm sorry sir, but...I have to...

    Cragger swung his tail, knocking the King out. He picked up his sword and blocked two lions attacking. He nudge past through them and grabbed Eris. She cries and Longtooth shouts. "Let her go!" Cragger looked at Eris. He notice her speedor and hopped on. Eris stared deeply into Cragger's eyes. "Cragger, what are you-" Cragger cut her off with determination in his cracked voice. "For Chima!" He cried. He took off, while Eris flown close behind him. She spots another Eagle speedor and hops in it, following behind Cragger.

   For Laval! For the Tribes, and For Chima!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2019 ⏰

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